Shining Like a Lightbulb (2015)

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Shining Like a Lightbulb (2015) by Mind Map: Shining Like a Lightbulb (2015)

1. Week 1: April 6

1.1. Title: Love Like Jesus

2. Week 2: April 13

2.1. Title: Serve Like Jesus

3. Week 3: April 20

3.1. Title: Being Humble Like Jesus

4. Week 4: April 26

4.1. Title: Being Patient Like Jesus

5. Week 5: May 3

5.1. Title: Knowing Your Purpose

5.1.1. Matthew 5:14-15

5.1.2. Jesus had a purpose. He was submissive.

5.1.3. We are his purpose. God cares about us.

5.1.4. Luke 19:10 He came to find us and restore us to himself.

5.1.5. What is my purpose in life?

5.1.6. Twisted Sister illustration: What are you gonna do with your life? I wanna rock!

5.1.7. Unfortunately, God's purpose for our lives has very little to do with our circumstances. It doesn't really focus on our job or career.

5.1.8. Acts 1:8 We are called to be witnesses.

5.1.9. I Corinthians 10:

5.1.10. Your life purpose is not your profession or your role at home. Your mission life is not solely defined in your career. Your life purpose is to take as many people to heaven with me as a can.

5.1.11. Your job isn't your calling; it is an expression of your calling.

5.1.12. Indicators of your calling 1. You enjoy it. 2. You get lost in it. 3. You work hard for it. 4. You feel satisfied at the end of the day. 5. You risk for it. 6. It is in line with who you are. Ephesians 2:10 7. You feel grateful for it.

6. Scriptures About Light

6.1. John 8:12

6.2. Matthew 5:14-15