Input & Output Devices

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Input & Output Devices by Mind Map: Input & Output Devices

1. Some technology may be cost-prohibitive, such as 3D printers.

2. Sensitive technology equipment may receive harsh classroom treatment requiring frequent replacement and down time.

3. Examples of some input devices would include: keyboards (including ergonomic designed, on-screen, touchscreen, and standard); microphones; mouse or trackball; fingerprint or retinal scan; scanner or camera; motion detecting kin-esthetic readers; joysticks and joypads.

4. Examples of some output devices would include: monitors; projectors; touchscreen tablets; smart phones; headphones; and printers including 3D models.

5. These peripherals are a necessary part of modern life and should be integrated into the classroom in order to prepare students for the world. Additionally, these devices can be used by learners of all abilities.