Web 2.0 in the CS Classroom

Presentation for CEMC 2010 - August 2010

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Web 2.0 in the CS Classroom by Mind Map: Web 2.0 in the CS Classroom

1. Collaborative Tools for Teachers

1.1. Twitter

1.2. ACSE Discussion

1.3. sync.in

1.4. RSS

1.5. Social Bookmarking

2. Tools for Students

2.1. Google Apps

2.1.1. gmail

2.1.2. Google Docs Document Presentation

2.1.3. Sites

2.2. Social Bookmarking

3. Learning Management System

3.1. Cognite

4. Backchannel

4.1. Edmodo

5. Presentations

5.1. Prezi

5.2. Ahead

6. Collaborative Tools

6.1. Google EDU

6.2. Windows Live

6.3. Zoho

6.4. Google Apps

6.4.1. Google Docs Spreadsheet Form

6.4.2. Calender

6.4.3. Reader

6.4.4. Groups

7. Learning Management System

7.1. Edmodo

8. Backchannel

8.1. Facebook