
Reflection for Grad Class

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Reflections by Mind Map: Reflections

1. Technology

1.1. Can use online dictionaries to define terms students need.

1.2. Difficult sometimes when using only students tech.

1.3. Need 1-1 for many of the programs.

1.4. Webquest would be awesome tool for project based learning.

1.4.1. Can incorporate Frayer model as vocab activity to help with understanding of content being read.

1.4.2. Can use google class or other online tools to push out activities such as a close read.

1.4.3. Webbly Social Studies Civil War Pro

1.4.4. Example: Civil War, War Correspondent.

1.5. Students create a blog of their written work which other students can comment or respond to.

1.6. Students create movies as a project.

2. Vocabulary

2.1. Types of Vocablary

2.1.1. Tier III words need to be pre-defined as part of reading or activity

2.1.2. Tier II words are the vocab words to focus on accross curriculum

2.2. Activities

2.2.1. Possible alternate activities: Fess' Skit activity where students demonstrate the definition of the word. Can record these demonstrations for later use.

2.2.2. Frayer model utilizing Defintion, Picture, Example, non-example Sometimes difficult to come up with non-examples. Other categories? Definition, Pictures and Example seem to work well as part of the model.

3. Journals

3.1. Uses

3.1.1. Can use as part of reflection process for religion. Need to be careful since anything students write is reportable and instructor is accountable for.

3.1.2. Can be used for quickwrites at beginning of class.

3.2. Types

3.2.1. Two column Can be great way to use a viewing guide for videos or other multimedia. 1 Column = Event, 2nd Column = Importance. Can be used for text situations or then evidence or claims then evidence.

4. Close Read

4.1. Could use a two colum journal as a way to answer a close read questions where students have to demonstrate their answers to a questions by providing stating their inference then writing their evidence

4.2. Forced students to look more closely at the text and not use so much background knowladge.

4.3. With definition of vocabulary, what activities can be used as part of close read to help?

4.4. Great for getting students to understand a text!

4.5. Can take an incredibly long time. Need to monitor length of text.

4.6. Need to define Tier III words in text

4.7. Tier II word activity so students find vocabulary in text and define.