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WISC-IV by Mind Map: WISC-IV


2. can be conducted on children ages 2years 6months old to 16years 11months old

3. 10 subtests and 5 supplemental subtests which provide results provide subtest and composite scores that represent intellectual functioning in 4 specific cognitive domains, as well as a composite that represents general intellectual ability

4. current generation of IQ tests driven by research and cognitive theory

5. 4 specific cognitive domains which contribute to FSIQ (Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient) are: verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, processing speed

6. Verbal Comprehension Index: SI - Similarities - individuals presented with two words that represent common objects or concepts and asked to say how they are similar, VC - Vocabulary -younger individuals are shown pictures and asked to name them and then asked to give definitions for words presented orally and visually, CO - Comprehension - asked to respond to questions requiring an understanding of social situations, reflecting common sense, social judgement, behaviour and conventional standards, IN - Information (Supplemental subtest) - answer questions that address a broad range of general knowledge topics, WR - Word Reasoning (Supplemental Subtest) asked to identify the common concept described in a series of clues

7. Perceptual Reasoning Index: BD - Block Design - use up to nine red and white blocks to re-create a model or a picture of a design within a specific time limit, PCn - Picture Concepts - given 2-3 rows of pictures and choose one picture from each row with common characteristics, MR - Matrix Reasoning - look at incomplete matrix and selects the missing item from 5 options, PCm - Picture Completion - (Supplemental subtest) have to point to or name an important part missing from a picture within a specific time

8. Working Memory Subtests: DS - Digit Span - do two distinct tasks, the first repeat orally numbers presented in the same order and then in reverse order, LN - Letter-Numbering Sequencing - read a sequence of numbers and letters and are asked to recall the numbers in ascending order and the letters in alphabetical order, AR - Arithmetic (Supplemental Subtest) - solve a series of orally presented problems within a specific time limit

9. Processing Speed Subtests: CD - Coding - copy symbols that are paired with simple geometric shapes or numbers within a specific time limit, SS - Symbol Search - scan a search group (of abstract symbols) and indicate if a target symbol matches any of the symbols in the search group within a specific time limit, CA - Cancellation (Supplemental Subtest) scan both a random and structured arrangement of pictures and marks target pictures within a specific time limit

10. The Working Memory and Processing Speed Index scores are often implicated in learning difficulties (dyslexic) profiles. Processing Speed can identify children who are referred for 'not being able to get their ideas down'

11. These are tests of academic skills which can provide a direct relationship between measured intelligence (QI) and academic attainments (academic skills)

12. A GAI or general ability index is a composite score based on only 3 verbal comprehension subtests and 3 perceptual reasoning subtests. The GAI is a summary score that is less sensitive to a student's working memory and processing speed which are often compromised by ADHD, learning disorders, and mood disorders. This is used when the use of the FSIQ may result in inaccurate lower cognitive potential.

13. Full Scale IQ - Standard Score (Mean 100SD 15); Four Index Standard Scores (Mean 100 SD 15) and Subtest Scaled Scores (Mean 10 SD 3)

14. All levels of results can be reported in percentile ranks (%ile) while the subtest results can also be reported in Age Equivalents

15. Qualitative Descriptions include "Very Superior" - 130 and above, "Superior" 120-129, "High Average" 110-119, "Average" 90-109, "Low Average" 80-89, "Borderline" 70-79 and "Extremely Low" 69 and under

16. Subtest Scaled Scores for an individual's same age peers have a metric mean of 10 and SD of 3