The Aging Adult

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The Aging Adult by Mind Map: The Aging Adult

1. biological aging--many theories but science does not clearly understand how and why we age--random assaults both internally and externally or predetermined process (stochastic and non-stochastic theories)

2. 10 leading chronic conditions--understanding chronic illness is an important concept in caring for the elderly

3. The aging process varies greatly from individual to individual--in different domains--physical, social, pyschological

4. Basic psychologically patterns are consistent throughout ones life......Erikson's life span older adulthood person is usually trying to resolve integrity versus despair

5. In the US, "graying" of the overall population started in 1960s==1st significant step passing of the Federal Old Age Insurance law under Social Security Act--impact of the baby boomers

6. Views of Aging--young old-middle old--old old

7. Medicare Part A, B, C, D

8. Will the cost of caring for the aging population impact us all? How?