To what extent do the major party conventions continue to have a meaningful role? [15]

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To what extent do the major party conventions continue to have a meaningful role? [15] by Mind Map: To what extent do the major party conventions continue to have a meaningful role? [15]

1. They do have a major role.

1.1. This when the candidates are officially chosen (get the party nomination)

1.2. They give an opportunity for the party members to meet and determine the party platform.

1.3. They are an opportunity to promote party unity to allow candidates that had fought against each other to now come together.

1.3.1. In 2008 Democratic National Convention Hilary Clinton declared herself to be a proud supporter of Obama. (having previously run against him in primaries).

1.3.2. In 2008 DNC - Obama announced Biden as his running mate showing unity.

1.4. Rousing the party faithful; typically past presidents will come back and speak and endorse future candidates.

1.5. Publicity gives candidates a 'post election' bounce.

2. They don't have a meaningiful role.

2.1. In practice the candidates have already been chosen in recent elections.

2.2. They are not meaningful but instead tradition. Happen because they always happen.

2.3. Not always successful - for example in 1992 Bush/Buchanan did not show unity (Republican)

2.4. They deliver scripted, scrutinised, conventions that do not deliver politica content.

2.5. Decline in TV Coverage - given less and less coverage on national TV programmes.