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Picasso by Mind Map: Picasso

1. Paris

1.1. Moved there around 1900

1.2. Met many influential people, such as Leo & Gertrude Stein, and Max Jacob

1.3. Met a fellow artist and callaborator, Georges Braque, who became a dear friend and inspiration

1.4. Picasso and Braque created Cubism, a new art form

1.4.1. Analytical

1.4.2. Synthetic

1.5. Picasso and Braque also created Collage, also a new art form, influenced by access to mass produced products from the industrial revolution

2. Artist

2.1. Picasso was not a good student, and when OFTEN sent to detention = he drew, and drew, and drew, and LOVED it!

2.2. He was interested in all art mediums and produced many types of artworks....over 50,000 in his lifetime!

2.2.1. paintings

2.2.2. sculptures

2.2.3. stage design...to name a few

2.3. Unlike many artists before him...

2.3.1. Famous in his lifetime

2.3.2. Wealthy

2.4. Picasso is well known for his painting Periods....

2.4.1. Blue Period- Picasso used mostly blues, blue-greens to evoke a somber mood, with down-trodden subjects. His depression = due to suicide of a good friend.

2.4.2. Rose Period- He painted with reds, pinks, and oranges and the subject changed from somber to light-hearted. Depicted many circus people/performers. New outlook/color = due to Picasso falling in love.... AAaaaaw!

3. To Do...

3.1. Please read this short biography and completet the activity page by end of week ONE. .

3.2. URL; http://www.education.com/files/585001_586000/585412/pablo-picasso-biography.pdf

4. He loved many women, though....

5. Spain

5.1. Born 1881, Malaga

5.2. Bull

5.2.1. Picasso thought of himself as a bull

5.2.2. Bullfighting & Runnig of the bulls

5.2.3. Picasso's first painting age 9, "La Picador"

5.2.4. Picasso created bull sculptures and depicted a bull in his painting, "Guernica"

6. Family

6.1. Picasso's father, an art professor, encouraged Picasso's innate talent in art

6.2. His mother said he loved to draw from the very beginning, so much so, that his first word was 'piz' for 'lapiz', Spanish for 'Pencil.'

6.3. He married twice

6.3.1. Olga

6.3.2. Jacqueline

6.4. Of his children, Paloma is the most well known, as she is a well respected jewelry designer