Development of our understanding on "Participation"

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Development of our understanding on "Participation" by Mind Map: Development of our understanding on "Participation"

1. Torino

1.1. IZMO

1.1.1. Derriva urbana

1.1.2. Mental Maps

1.1.3. European Neighbourhood Day

1.1.4. World Café

1.2. Sara Seravalle

1.2.1. project in Modena

2. Hohensolms

2.1. first thoughts about participation

2.2. diverse understandings about "participation" - no common understanding about the "meaning" od the word "participation" (different fields, different national traditions)?

3. Berlin

3.1. OS Issue: Sharing our experiences in participation

3.2. OS used as a tool itself, facilitated by neutral facilitators who "are not attached by the outcomes" (Yaari & Michael)

4. New idea

5. Neue Idee