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References 作者: Mind Map: References

1. Math

1.1. Algebra

1.1.1. Artin - Algebra

1.1.2. Ash - Abstract Algebra

1.1.3. Birkhoff & Mac Lane - Algebra

1.1.4. Dummit & Foote - Abstract Algebra

1.1.5. Lang - Algebra

1.2. Analysis

1.2.1. Folland - Real Analysis, Modern Technices and their Applications

1.2.2. Kolmogorov & Fomin - Introductory Real Analysis

1.2.3. Lang - Real Analysis

1.2.4. Rudin - Principles of Mathematical Analysis

1.3. Geometry

1.3.1. ???

1.4. Logic

1.4.1. Barwise & Entchemendy - Language Proof and Logic

1.4.2. Tourlakis - Lectures in Logic & Set Theory V.I

1.4.3. Barwise - Handbook of Mathematical Logic

1.5. Set Theory

1.5.1. Halmos - Naive Set Theory

1.5.2. Hausdorff - Set Theory

1.5.3. Skolem - Abstract Set Theory

1.5.4. Tourlakis - Lectures in Logic & Set Theory V.II

1.6. Topology

1.6.1. Munkres - Topology, A First Course

1.6.2. Steen & Seebach - Counterexamples In Topology