Local Color

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Local Color by Mind Map: Local Color

1. The Rain Came

1.1. Labong'o was married five times.

1.2. Podho appeared in Ndithi dream and tell him to tell the people that Labong'o daughter is the sacrifice for the people to get rain.

1.3. The family brings gifts to Oganda.

2. The Quiet Man

2.1. Shawn Kelvin was a native of Kerry

2.2. Shawn And Ellen lives in the Moyvalla farmhouse.

2.3. Shawn came to U.S.A to seek fortune.

3. The Man Who was Almost A man

3.1. You could buy a pistol for two dollars.

3.2. A left-hand wheeler is another name for a pistol.

3.3. Used to eat Mackerel Fish during the Jim Crow days.

4. A Mystery of Heroism

4.1. Bugle is another word for a water container.

4.2. They was fighting during the Civil War.

4.3. The Soldiers fight for a drink of water.