Maguire et al (1997): Taxi Drivers

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Maguire et al (1997): Taxi Drivers создатель Mind Map: Maguire et al (1997): Taxi Drivers

1. Aims

1.1. 1. Landmarks

1.1.1. Result

1.2. 2. Landmarks vs Routes

1.2.1. Results

1.3. 3. Landmarks/Routes vs Film Plots/Film Frames

1.3.1. Results

2. Sample

2.1. Number

2.2. Gender

2.3. Age

2.4. Years of experience

2.5. Other features

3. Research Methods

3.1. Experimental Method

3.1.1. Experimental Design

3.2. Equipment

3.3. Pilot Study

4. Results

4.1. 1. Topographical Sequencing

4.2. 2. Topographical vs Non-topographical

4.3. 3. All tasks compared to baseline

5. Conclusion

6. Procedure

6.1. Five tasks

6.1.1. 1. Topographical Sequencing

6.1.2. 2. Topographical Non-sequencing

6.1.3. 3. Non-topographical Sequencing

6.1.4. 4. Non-topographical Non-sequencing

6.1.5. 5. Baseline

6.2. Features of the tasks

6.2.1. Length of task

6.2.2. No. of times repeated

7. Evaluations

7.1. Laboratory Study

7.1.1. Reliability

7.1.2. Cause and Effect

7.1.3. Ecological Validity

7.1.4. Mundane Realism

7.2. Generalisations

7.2.1. The study was testing physiological mechanisms

7.2.2. London taxi drivers