Nutrition and Learning

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Nutrition and Learning by Mind Map: Nutrition and Learning

1. Memory is necessary for communication.

1.1. Ability to learn is essential to perform everyday activities.

1.2. It necessary to retain information to perform tasks and achieve goals.

1.3. The brain provides many functions for the human body such as the ability to think, learn and communicate.

2. Good fats can help the brain.

2.1. Unsaturated fats help increase growth and performance.

2.2. Intake of good fats have been proven to help feel calmer, healthier, and focused.

2.3. The brain needs proper fats that can help it develop properly.

3. Glucose enhances learning.

3.1. Learning is improved with high levels of glucose.

3.2. Learning enhancement applies to children and elderly as well.

3.3. When tested, memory and face recognition doubled in performance with glucose.

4. The role of nutrition at different ages.

4.1. Part of the learning process is devoted to how well the brain is treated.

4.2. Learning can take place if the brain function adequately through proper nutrition.

4.3. The brain is not fully mature until the age of 25, but can be developed through diets rich in nutrients, good fats, and moderate intake of glucose.

5. An attention span is necessary for learning.

5.1. A learner needs to focus in order to comprehend material.

5.2. The factors that affect the brain should be considered so that a person can focus on their studies.

5.3. The ability to focus can let to effective learning to take place.