Inma´s PLE

Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

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Inma´s PLE by Mind Map: Inma´s PLE

1. Reflection

1.1. Blogs

1.2. Pinterest

1.3. Twitter

1.4. Padlet

1.5. Microsoft Word

1.6. Bloc de notas

2. Share

2.1. Teaching lessons class to children in my house

2.2. Gmail

2.3. Padlet

2.4. Blogs

2.5. Facebook

2.6. Twitter

2.7. Instagram

3. Read and research

3.1. Instagram

3.2. Magazines

3.2.1. Health and nutrition

3.2.2. Science

3.2.3. Sports

3.3. Friends

3.3.1. Meetings

3.4. Family

3.5. University

3.5.1. Peers Work in groups Meetings

3.5.2. Teachers

3.6. Facebook

3.7. Whatsapp

3.8. Wikipedia

3.9. Youtube

3.9.1. Tutorials

3.9.2. Videos

3.10. Google

3.11. Shazam

3.12. Skype