Electromagnetic Radiation

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Electromagnetic Radiation by Mind Map: Electromagnetic Radiation

1. Speed, Frequency, Wavelength, energy and propagation

2. Interactions with matter (along with which representation best describes interaction and how frequency/wavelength play a role)

2.1. Reflection

2.2. Refraction

2.3. Dispersion

2.4. Diffraction

2.5. Interference

2.6. Polarization

2.7. Absorption

2.8. Scattering

2.9. Transparent, translucent, and opaque

2.10. Flourescence

2.11. Phosphorescence

2.12. Color

2.12.1. Additive model - Light mixing

2.12.2. Subtractive model - pigment mixing

2.12.3. Physical vs. Physiological light

3. Source of all EMR is accelerating charge

4. EMR Spectrum

4.1. Relationship/Location of different "bands" of spectrum.

4.2. Uses/Examples of various bands

4.3. What accelerating charge is responsible for each band?

5. Representations - wave, ray, particle, wave front, wave packet