Electromagnetic Radiation

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Electromagnetic Radiation by Mind Map: Electromagnetic Radiation

1. Representations

1.1. Ray= narrow beam of particles

1.2. Particle= matter that makes up electromagnetic waves

1.3. Wave Packet= short bursts of waves that also travel together

1.4. Wave Front = occurs when waves have the same phase

2. Refraction= when the speed of a wave changes direction. Ex. when a wave goes through one substance to anoher

3. Diffraction occurs when a wave runs into something; the wave begins to bend and move around the object

4. Spectrum (band) Example

4.1. Largest= Radio

4.2. Microwave

4.3. Infrared

4.4. Visble

4.5. Ultraviolet

4.6. Xray

4.7. Smallest =Gamma Ray

5. Polarization= the orientation of a waves electric field at a point in its ossillation

6. Transparent= ability for light pass through something

6.1. Translucent= allows light to diffuse as it passes through

6.2. Opaque- the amount of light which is blocked

7. Phosphorescence= a substance that does not readmit radiation from which it has previously observed

8. Electromagnetic Waves

8.1. The speed of all waves travel at 3X10^8 m/s

8.2. Wavelength is equal to the speed of light divided by its frequency

8.2.1. Shortest wavelength= gamma rays and the longest wavelength = radio waves

8.3. Propagation is the way in waves travel

8.4. Frequency= the number of waves per unit time

9. Reflection= the angle at which a wave is on a surface is the same angle at which is being reflected

10. Dispersion= occurs when a waves velocity is not uniform; it is dependent on frequency

11. Interference occurs when two or more waves come together and create a new wave pattern

12. Absorption= the way in which energy is taken up by other matter

13. Scattering occurs when something in a particular medium makes a deviate from a straight trajectory or path

14. Fluorescence-emission of light from an electromagnetic wave