Changing our Algorithms

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Changing our Algorithms by Mind Map: Changing our Algorithms

1. The Insight Process

1.1. Is there any data here that contradicts or is inconsistent with what I believe?

1.2. Is there something new, unusual, or out of the ordinary present that I should think about? What could that data mean?

1.3. Can I look at the data differently and produce a different answer?

1.4. If I define or reframe my questions or problem differently, would that open up new alternatives or help me see more data or create a different pattern?

1.5. Have I actively listed what data would be disconfirming, and have I actively searched for disconfirming data? If not, should I/

1.6. Does my answer feel right and make sense?

2. Overcoming Assumptions

2.1. What is the assumption to be tested?

2.2. What facts do we already know that confirm the assumption?

2.3. What facts do we already know that cast doubt on the assumption?

2.4. What specific facts would confirm the assumption?

2.4.1. Who knows those facts?

2.4.2. Where do we find those facts?

2.4.3. How many different confirming sources do we need?

2.4.4. How will we mitigate confirmation bias in our search?

2.5. For each specific fact that would disconfirm or cast doubt on the assumption:

2.5.1. Who knows those facts?

2.5.2. Where do we find those facts?

2.5.3. How many different disconfirming sources do we need?

3. Created by Dave Rothacker