Transform creativity into an infinite number of possibilities for our world

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Transform creativity into an infinite number of possibilities for our world by Mind Map: Transform creativity into an infinite number of possibilities for our world

1. Donors

1.1. Government

1.1.1. Community

1.1.2. Culture

1.1.3. Economy

1.2. Corporate

1.2.1. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

1.2.2. Insight

1.2.3. Capacity

1.3. Individual

1.3.1. Appreciation

1.3.2. Affiliation

1.3.3. Agency

2. Students

2.1. Undergraduate

2.1.1. creativity

2.1.2. courage

2.1.3. connections

2.1.4. currency

2.1.5. career

2.2. Graduate

2.2.1. confidence

2.2.2. concentration

2.2.3. customization

2.2.4. capacity

2.2.5. cache

2.3. Continuing Studies

2.3.1. experience

2.3.2. knowledge

2.3.3. discovery

2.3.4. flexibility

3. Fans

3.1. Alumni

3.1.1. Support

3.1.2. Connections

3.1.3. Opportunity

3.2. Media

3.2.1. Exclusives

3.2.2. Resposiveness

3.2.3. Expertise

3.3. Public

3.3.1. Events

3.3.2. Infrastructure

3.3.3. Quality of Life