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OpenFaaS by Mind Map: OpenFaaS

1. Evolution of architecture (Wei)

1.1. a serverless framework

1.2. describe a traditional way to develop and deploy a service with multi layer structure

1.2.1. set up a server (spring bootstrap for Java, express for node, flask for python etc.)

1.2.2. manage the routes and project structures

1.2.3. build your business logic

1.2.4. configure the project for deployment

1.2.5. start up the server and test it out

1.3. highlight the benifets of serverless

1.3.1. only forcus on the business logic. all other steps are well taken care of

1.3.2. easy to uppdate and scall up

1.3.3. FaaS: function as a service

1.4. OpenFaas is the most popular serverless framework. is one more step further than serverless.

2. why OpenFaaS (Christian)

2.1. list some serverless frameworks

2.1.1. AWS Lambda

2.1.2. Microsoft Azure with Azure Functions

2.1.3. OpenFaas

2.1.4. IBM Cloud Functions based on Apache OpenWhisk

2.1.5. Google Cloud using Google Cloud Function

2.2. Compare openFaaS against Amazon Lambda

2.2.1. OpenFaas could work independently on a bare maching, while lambda depend on their own solution provider

2.2.2. OpenFaas allows you to wrap any executable binaries as a service, while others could only support limited languages

2.2.3. with OpenFaas, there's no limit regarding the execution time of your function. However, a function could run for 5 min max with other frameworks

2.2.4. is easy to install and use compare to opthers

3. how to use OpenFaaS, demo

3.1. create a function with a mayjor language where a template is available, e.g. python (Wei)

3.2. create a function with another language, e.g. R (Christian)