Matt 11

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Matt 11 by Mind Map: Matt 11

1. Vectors

1.1. Object that has both magnitude and a direction

1.1.1. Project specifications

1.1.2. End User requirements

1.1.3. Action points sign-off

1.2. Vectors in component for and as directed line segment

1.3. addition and subtraction of vectors

1.4. Scalar product

2. Foundations of Trigonometry

2.1. Similarity in triangles

2.1.1. Sine

2.1.2. Cosine

2.1.3. Tangent

2.2. Formula

2.3. Right-angled triangle trigonometry

2.4. Area of a triangle

2.5. Radians, arcs, and sectors

3. Sequences and series

3.1. Series

3.1.1. Sigma notation and series

3.1.2. Arithmetic series

3.1.3. Geometric series

3.1.4. Convergent series and sums to infinity

3.1.5. Applications of geometric and arithmetic patterns

3.2. Sequences

3.2.1. A number sequence is a pattern of numbers arranged in a particular order

3.2.2. Arithmetic sequences

3.2.3. Geometric sequences

4. Circular functions

4.1. The Unit circle

4.2. Solving equations using the unit circle

4.3. Trigonometric identities

5. Introduction of Probability

5.1. Definition

5.1.1. An experiment is the process by which we obtain the outcome

5.1.2. An event is an outcome from an experiment

5.1.3. A random experiment is one where there is uncertainty over which event may occur

5.1.4. Empirical probability

5.1.5. Subjective probability

5.2. Sample space diagrams and the product rule

5.2.1. Independent events

5.3. Venn diagrams

5.3.1. Complementary

5.3.2. Intersection of events

5.3.3. Union of events

5.4. Tree diagrams

6. Rational functions

6.1. Reciprocals

6.2. THe reciprocal function

6.3. Rational functions