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Assessments by Mind Map: Assessments

1. Diagnostic

1.1. Definition: Measures current content knowledge of a student.

1.2. Purpose: To see whether a standard or objective has been met.

1.3. Advantages: Teachers can track the level of mastery of their students.

1.4. Disadvantage: Time consuming.

1.5. OF or FOR Learning: OF

1.6. Example: Exit exams for Math Expressions

2. High Stakes

2.1. Definition: An assessment that tracks data on how districts and schools are performing. Used in resource allocation and designation of schools that need improvement and extra support.

2.2. Purpose: Big picture look at student progress.

2.3. Advantages: Allows for analysis on effectiveness of curricula and programs

2.4. Disadvantage: Can be too big picture and not allow for current knowledge of students.

2.5. OF or FOR Learning: OF

2.6. Example: SmarterBalance tests

3. Performance Based

3.1. Definition: An assessment where a student gains knowledge, skills, and habits through practicing tasks that are relevant and engaging.

3.2. Purpose: Gain experience through realistic situations.

3.3. Advantages: Students gain practical experience. Makes a relevant connection and connects to actual situations.

3.4. Disadvantage: Needs to be carefully planned in order to stay on the standard.

3.5. OF or FOR Learning: FOR

3.6. Example: Students track and analyze their own academic data to practice data analysis but also gain an understanding for their progress in class.

4. Portfolio

4.1. Definition: Collection of student work.

4.2. Purpose: Shows progress throughout unit of study. Allows analysis of growth.

4.3. Advantages: Student participation and communication with teacher.

4.4. Disadvantage: Time consuming and requires preparation for effective use.

4.5. OF or FOR Learning: FOR

4.6. Example: Unit binder including ten best assignments determined by the student

5. Authentic

5.1. Definition: Examines student progress using practical scenarios.

5.2. Purpose: Students practice their skills in real scenarios.

5.3. Advantages: Builds confidence and engagement for students.

5.4. Disadvantage: Time consuming and needs a great deal of planning.

5.5. OF or FOR Learning: FOR

5.6. Example: Students build and program a robot.

6. Formative

6.1. Definition: An assessment that takes observational or objective data during a lesson or unit.

6.2. Purpose: Evaluates student progress and knowledge during a lesson to allow for adjustments

6.3. Advantages: Allows for flexibility and adjusting of lessons to suit student progress

6.4. Disadvantage: Can be subjective.

6.5. OF or FOR Learning: FOR

6.6. Example: Whiteboards, discussion

7. Summative

7.1. Definition: Tracks progress of a student after a unit of study.

7.2. Purpose: To track a student's understanding of a standard post instruction and measure gains.

7.3. Advantages: Gives teacher a picture of student's progress and understanding of a standard.

7.4. Disadvantage: Can be too late to allow for reteaching.

7.5. OF or FOR Learning: OF

7.6. Example: Exit exams for Math Expressions

8. Self Assessment

8.1. Definition: Student grade their own work

8.2. Purpose: Extends learning process by allowing students to gain understanding from grading their own work

8.3. Advantages: Allows students to see the full picture of their assignment and gain understanding through analyzing it.

8.4. Disadvantage: Can create bias in grade as students want to do well.

8.5. OF or FOR Learning: FOR

8.6. Example: Grading their own video projects on historical topic

9. Peer Assessment

9.1. Definition: Classmates grade and asses the work of their peers.

9.2. Purpose: Students gain understanding of assessments and participate in tracking data.

9.3. Advantages: Creates buy-in for students, cuts down on teacher workload, creates understanding of data tracking.

9.4. Disadvantage: Can create variations in grade due to student bias and multiple graders. Needs strong guidelines.

9.5. OF or FOR Learning: FOR

9.6. Example: Peer review of book reports.

10. References