Dealing with a Paper Archive Initial Thoughts

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Dealing with a Paper Archive Initial Thoughts by Mind Map: Dealing with a Paper Archive Initial Thoughts

1. Ownership of documents in the store transfered to RMs / Facilities

1.1. Documents can be destroyed without business consultation in-line with retention schedule

1.2. Estimate 75% duplicated with electronic

2. Retention and Disposal Policy needs agreeing by EMB - stuck at transition group - authority to dispose - process may need reviewing (3 month consultation)

2.1. Dispose can mean destroy or transfer

2.1.1. TNA

2.1.2. Local Archivist

2.1.3. Destroy

2.1.4. Transfer of function

3. Not just Wavertree

3.1. 4500 boxes at Wavertree

3.2. 1760 estimate in RH (April)

4. Who's going to take the regional stuff that we legally have to keep??

5. Legal - what needs to be kept in paper form for evidential value

5.1. issue guidance that electronic is master unless defined by legal as an exception

6. No more boxes accepted into archive store unless in line with legal direction

6.1. Working copy - print and destroy

6.1.1. Do we need bins to encourage this

6.1.2. software to make people log in and collect printing

7. What do TNA and local archivists want

7.1. TNA

7.1.1. High value projects (£50m +)

7.1.2. Olympics related

7.2. LA

7.2.1. Not sure

7.2.2. responsibility to provide?

8. Departments hold box level inventories

8.1. Can we get the lists?

8.1.1. Can RM's apply retention without checking content?

9. Dispose

9.1. Legal Reasons to keep including audit

9.2. Business Reasons to keep

9.2.1. Destroy Record needs to be kept

9.2.2. Transfer TNA Local Archvist What can they take and in what format Transfer of function

9.3. Best practise

10. How long to do this?