1. Horizon challenges
1.1. 2015
1.1.1. Digital literacy
1.1.2. Rewarding teachers for innovative and effective pedagogy
1.1.3. Personalizing Learning
1.1.4. Teaching Complex Thinking
1.1.5. Competing Models of Education
1.2. 2010
1.2.1. The role of the academy — and the way we prepare students for their future lives — is changing
1.2.2. New scholarly forms of authoring, publishing, and researching continue to emerge but appropriate metrics for evaluating them increasingly and far too often lag behind.
1.2.3. Digital media literacy
1.2.4. Institutions increasingly focus more narrowly on key goals, as a result of shrinking budgets in the present economic climate.
2. Horizon mid-term
2.1. 2015
2.1.1. Growing Focus on Measuring Learning
2.1.2. Proliferation of Open Educational Resources
2.2. 2010
2.2.1. Electronic Books...
2.2.2. Simple Augmented Reality
3. Horizon short term trends
3.1. 2015
3.1.1. Increasing Use of Blended Learning
3.1.2. Redesigning Learning Spaces
3.2. 2010
3.2.1. Open content
3.2.2. Mobile computing
4. Horizon long term trends
4.1. 2015
4.1.1. Advancing learning environments that are flexible and drive innovation,
4.1.2. Increasing the collaboration that takes place between higher education institutions.
4.2. 2010
4.2.1. Gesture based computing
4.2.2. Visual data analysis
5. Horizon new technologies
5.1. 2015
5.1.1. Short-term Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Flipped Classroom
5.1.2. Mid-term Makerspaces Wearable Technology
5.1.3. Long term Adaptive Learning Technologies The Internet of Things