ICT Across Curriculum
by Custodial Frog
1. Notes
1.1. Lesson or Series Title
1.2. Goals of Each Lesson
1.3. Objectives
1.4. Reasoning
1.5. Content
1.6. Method of Instruction
1.7. Method of Evaluation
2. Objectives
2.1. Affective Objective
2.1.1. Task
2.1.2. Prerequisites
2.2. Cognitive Objective
2.2.1. Task Plan and Question
2.2.2. Prerequisites
2.3. Main objective 3
2.3.1. Task
2.3.2. Prerequisites
3. Prerequisites
3.1. Review
3.2. Goals
3.3. Set context
4. Resources
4.1. Materials
4.2. People
4.3. Facilities
5. Podcast Lesson
5.1. Objectives
5.1.1. Affective Objective Task Prerequisites
5.1.2. Cognitive Objective Task Prerequisits
5.2. Prerequisites
5.2.1. Review
5.2.2. Goals
5.2.3. Set Context