Energy Generating Shoes

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Energy Generating Shoes by Mind Map: Energy Generating Shoes

1. Flashing light sequence on side of shoe - speed up with more energy - light colour based on steps per min

2. Storing/Using the Energy

2.1. Dancing creates a lightshow

2.2. Floor Mat - lights up when stepped on

2.3. Counts the number of passersby

2.4. Play a song

2.5. Little doggy shoes - light up collar

2.6. LED Info from Spark Fun

3. Powering an Arduino board from the environment

4. Energy generating floor


6. impact creation of voltage for an LED EXAMPLE video via piezo transducer


8. Shoe Generatorppl.ll

9. Capture Energy

9.1. Spring Pressure

9.2. Magnets

9.3. Gyrator Motion

9.3.1. How to make illuminated shoes

9.4. Motion Sensor

9.5. Impact Friction

9.5.1. kinetic energy?

9.6. Piezoelectric

9.6.1. Not enough energy

9.7. Motor which spins

9.8. Generate power for arduino

10. Required electronics?

10.1. copper tube/magnet flashlight ?

10.2. spring loaded flashlight ?

10.2.1. Radio Shack - Airport

11. Required extras?

11.1. Shoes- i got big rubber sandals and a pair of converse style sneakers-Craig

12. Materials

12.1. shoes-thrift shop


12.3. New node

12.4. Hhhui

12.4.1. I'm iiiii

12.4.2. New Topic