Interactive A/V Touch Screen Project

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Interactive A/V Touch Screen Project by Mind Map: Interactive A/V Touch Screen Project

1. Interface

1.1. Ideas

1.1.1. A/V Step Sequencer

1.1.2. X/Y Controller

1.1.3. Seaquence

1.1.4. Live Particle Editing of Users

1.2. Shawn will build these in Touch Designer

1.3. Mic/Looper

1.3.1. Variables Delay Time is STATIC Feedback Pitch?

1.3.2. MaxMSP

2. Global Considerations

2.1. Short Show

2.1.1. 5 Minutes?

2.2. Approachable

2.2.1. No Instruction

2.3. Something that builds

2.4. Reset Button

3. Video Efforts

3.1. Brightness of the video is syncronized to the loudness of the audio

3.2. Software

3.2.1. Touch Designer

3.3. Content Creator

3.3.1. Shawn F

4. Audio Efforts

4.1. Content Creator

4.1.1. Luke

5. Equipment

5.1. Have

5.1.1. Acer 22" Touchscreen

5.1.2. Monitor Stand Needs to be adapted Shawn?

5.2. Need