The Moon
by Tyrone Stapleton

1. Fictional stories
1.1. Inspiration for stories
1.2. Jules Verne
1.3. Francis Godwin
1.4. Cyrano de Bergerac
1.5. Johannes Kepler
2. Symbols
2.1. Love
2.1.1. Romance
2.2. love songs
3. Hoax
3.1. Green cheese
3.2. Moon craziness
3.3. Lunacy
3.4. Moonstruck
3.4.1. Walk towards moon like in a trance
3.5. A man saw moon 50 feet away
3.6. Moon Sick
3.7. Moon madness
4. facts
4.1. The Moon was created when a rock the size of Mars slammed into Earth, shortly after the solar system began forming about 4.5 billion years ago,
4.2. Distance From Earth: 225,745 miles
4.3. Length of a Day: 27.3 days
4.4. Radius: 1,080 miles
4.5. Diameter: 2,160 miles
4.6. Weight: 81 Quintillion Tons
4.7. Surface Temp (Day): 273° F
4.8. Surface Temp (Night): - 244° F
4.9. Flying time by rocket: 60 to 70 hrs.
4.10. Driving time by car (@70 mph): 135 days
5. 1885
6. History
6.1. Landings
6.1.1. 1969
6.2. sightings
6.2.1. first of back side of moon 1972
6.3. Astronauts
6.3.1. Neil Armstrong
6.3.2. Last person: Commander Eugene A. Cernan & Harrison H. Schmitt