New Site Format/Design

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New Site Format/Design by Mind Map: New Site Format/Design

1. Current Site Issues

1.1. Free Coaching Page

1.1.1. Too much text.

1.1.2. Poor production quality video at the bottom.

1.1.3. Misleading. This isn't actively being done.

1.2. Why Skill Capped Page

1.2.1. Clearly displays Practice Regimens which do not exist. This is terrible.

1.2.2. Fake case studies after a year.

1.2.3. We say "Practice Regiments" which is a typo (it's "regimens"). This has been in large letters on the site for a year.

1.3. New Videos Page

1.3.1. Huge amounts of blank space (maybe not an issue?)

1.3.2. Very limited search options Search Ideas Expert Video Style Release Date Range Views/Popularity

1.3.3. Poor Search Functionality Cannot click in main box when searching for role or sorting

1.3.4. "Results" should be changed to "Videos"

1.3.5. Videos look too small.

1.4. Guides/Courses Page

1.4.1. Poorly explained and executed course structure.

1.4.2. Misleading number of videos

1.4.3. Courses look EXTREMELY uninteresting. Just gray boxes.

1.4.4. Page, in general, is just boring.

1.4.5. No way to differentiate courses or their completion. Everything looks very much the same, so people expect them all to be the same.

1.5. Course Manager Page

1.5.1. Uninteresting set of questions. Pretends to be custom, but really isn't.

1.6. Preview Course Page

1.6.1. Not obvious that you can navigate on the side bar

1.6.2. Crucial intro videos should have some time of indicator that they are crucial.

1.7. Account Page

1.8. Home Page

1.8.1. Opening video is too long.

1.9. Video Viewing Page

1.9.1. Bubble bar not clearly explained

1.9.2. Comments section is complete and total shit. Unlimited up/down votes. No way to delete comments Experts still do not have accounts to be active in the comments. There's no way to know what comments have gone up on the site. Users have no way of knowing if they have been replied to.

1.9.3. Table of contents still not functional.

1.9.4. Table of contents looks terrible when you have a lot of items. So much white space.

1.10. General Site

1.10.1. Almost 0 interaction with users.

1.10.2. Limited information from users.

1.10.3. Our videos are in two different places. You can either look at the new videos page for up to date videos, or you can look at the courses page to find the awful structure.

1.10.4. Crucial nature of General and Role sections needs to be communicated perfectly.

1.11. Content

1.11.1. Too many random videos. We need to focus and perfect our content.

1.11.2. Video Titles are boring Titles should be actively engaging and bring the viewer in. A focus on improvement/what will be learned.

1.11.3. General sections need to be updated

1.11.4. Role sections need to be filled out and updated

2. Champion Pages/Courses

2.1. Each champion should have its own page on which any user can freely see the basic information for that champion. At the bottom of that page they could then see (not view) all of the videos we have for that champion.

2.1.1. We could easily get well known players on champions to simply maintain a written guide, which is much easier to do than creating video guides. They could do the written while we, and our experts, could do the videos. The well known individual may or may not want to help with the videos. If so, great. Here's just an example of some of the people we could get to do this for our site and just how many views these written guides get. This is from LoL King which I want to copy. We could also potentially partner with them? Cel has spoken to the people who own it, I believe. We could even pay these exact people to move their guides to our site. This will really piss off LoL King. This will be much easier if our platform is superior to theirs (so, we should innovate a bit and add some cool features they don't have) and we can show some numbers, because I know a lot of these people do it for the recognition/to help the masses. Featuring the individuals working on the guides would also be really easy on a page like this. We could have cool bios for them at the top of the page.

2.1.2. I also may want to create a new "General Playstyle Guide" style video which could also be free and would tease a lot of the other videos in the section.

2.2. These pages would also include a rating out of three stars (number of stars is debatable) for how complete they are. This would match our pricing for the course.

2.2.1. Idea: If we're in the process of upgrading a course, we could have the next open start filling and emptying to indicate that it's being upgraded. Or, we could have it at different stages of being filled up that would directly relate to how close the course was to being upgraded.

2.2.2. We would have clear definitions for each level of completeness that everyone is made to see before reaching our guides. One Star This guide contains only the basic information surrounding this champion. In one star guides you will find item builds, skill order, Runes, Masteries, and a few other basic things about the champion. One star guides are great for new players or someone just trying to casually learn a champion. Two Star Two start guides contain all of the information found in a one star guide, but also have a collection of videos to pair with it. The videos will cover various topics about the champion. They will not be a cohesive unit of videos. Three Star Three start guides are ones that have been planned and produced from start to finish by expert players through extensive research. Videos also contain a higher level of production value and drills you can use to improve your play on that champion. I can come up with really well written and concise descriptions for these, and/or we could make a really well edited video explaining the system.

2.2.3. Once a course/page is purchased you then have access to it for all upcoming updates. This would allow us to really easily have specials on sections right before they are upgraded to a new level. Buying a 1-2 star course could also be seen as "supporting" the course as a lot of people purchasing a lower star course would let us know we need to upgrade that course. Alternatively, we could just let our users vote on the next section to be upgraded. If it gained enough popularity we could even make it a competition of sorts between different courses.

3. General Courses

3.1. We would still have general courses, but they would be things like "Wave Control" or "Objective Control" or "Mastering the Top Lane."

3.1.1. These would be sold individually or bundled to non subs. We could have a shopping cart and the more courses you buy you get a % off. Two Courses = 10% off total order Three Courses = 15% off total order Four Courses = 20% off total order Depending on how courses are priced people may or may not feel compelled to buy multiple full courses as subscribing may just be cheaper. If we explain to them that they would have access forever and for all updates that will help this.

3.1.2. These courses will need to be revamped. Since we'll have less people producing champion videos, we can put more of an emphasis on these for those not involved in the in depth planning of other champions. They should be updated to Adobe and checked again to ensure that information is accurate and on the new map.

4. News/Articles Page

4.1. I feel that adding this page to our site is a necessity. It would allow us to do a number of great things.

4.1.1. Update users on upcoming content and site changes/improvements

4.1.2. Creating and releasing free, written educational content. Competitive Game Analaysis Written Guides Etc.

4.1.3. Creating and releasing free written entertainment content. Player intereviews LCS/Pro Play Recaps Community Satire Etc.

4.1.4. Advertise site promotions/discounts Referral system Sales Etc.

5. Can be/should be easily fixed