Foundations of Education Example

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Foundations of Education Example by Mind Map: Foundations of Education Example

1. Politics of Education

1.1. Perspective

1.1.1. 1.

1.1.2. 2.

1.1.3. 3.

1.2. Vision

1.2.1. 1.

1.2.2. 2.

1.2.3. 3.

2. History of Education

2.1. Reform Movement

2.1.1. 1.

2.1.2. 2.

2.1.3. 3.

2.2. Historical Interpretation

2.2.1. 1.

2.2.2. 2.

2.2.3. 3.

3. Sociology of Education

3.1. Relationship between School and Society

3.1.1. 1

3.1.2. 2

3.1.3. 3

3.2. Three Effects of Schooling on Individuals

3.2.1. 1.

3.2.2. 2.

3.2.3. 3.

4. Educational Inequality

4.1. Sociological Explanations of Unequal Achievement

4.1.1. 1.

4.1.2. 2.

4.1.3. 3.

4.2. School Centered Explanation

4.2.1. 1.

4.2.2. 2.

4.2.3. 3.

5. Philosophy of Education

5.1. Generic Notions

5.2. Key Researchers

5.3. Goal of Education

5.4. Role of the Teacher

5.5. Curriculum

5.6. Method of Instruction

6. Schools as Organizations

6.1. Governance

6.1.1. Senators

6.1.2. House of Representatives

6.1.3. State Superintendent

6.1.4. State School Board Representative

6.1.5. Local Superintendent

6.1.6. Local School Board

6.2. Comparison to One Country

7. Curriculum & Pedagogy

7.1. Historical Curriculum Theory

7.1.1. 1.

7.1.2. 2.

7.1.3. 3.

7.2. Sociological Curriculum Theory

7.2.1. 1.

7.2.2. 2.

7.2.3. 3.

8. Equality of Opportunity

8.1. Educational Achievement & Attainment

8.1.1. 1.

8.1.2. 2.

8.1.3. 3.

8.2. Response to the Coleman Study

8.2.1. 1.

8.2.2. 2.

8.2.3. 3.

9. School Reform

9.1. School-based reforms

9.1.1. 1.

9.1.2. 2.

9.1.3. 3.

9.2. Societal, community, economic, or political reforms

9.2.1. 1.

9.2.2. 2.

9.2.3. 3.