Essential Devops Tools (

A complete Mindmap of Devops Tools Eco System by School of Devops. Starting with Automated Provisioning to Configuration Management, Continuous Integration/Deployment, Cloud and Virtualization, Containers, Monitoring, Sysops Utilities, Log Monitoring, Performance Analysis to Graphing and Visualization Tools

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Essential Devops Tools ( by Mind Map: Essential Devops  Tools (

1. Configuration Management

1.1. Chef

1.1.1. berkshelf

1.1.2. chef delivery

1.1.3. Foodcritic

1.1.4. Rubocop

1.1.5. Chef DK

1.1.6. Chefspec

1.2. Puppet

1.2.1. Mcollective

1.2.2. Gepetto

1.2.3. r10k

1.3. Ansible

1.3.1. Ansible Tower

1.4. Saltstack

1.5. Cfengine

1.6. blueprint

1.7. juju

2. Monitoring

2.1. Nagios

2.2. Icinga

2.3. Sensu

2.4. Zenoss

2.5. Groundworks

2.6. Munin

2.7. Zabbix

2.8. Cacti

2.9. Observium

2.10. Cabot

2.11. Riemann

2.12. Bosun

3. Graphing and Visualization

3.1. New Relic

3.2. Ganglia

3.3. Graphite

3.4. Dynatrace

3.5. Dashing

4. Log Monitoring and Analysis

4.1. ELK Stack

4.1.1. Elasticsearch

4.1.2. Logstash

4.1.3. Kibana

4.2. Graylog2

4.3. Loggly

4.4. Splunk

4.5. Airbrake

4.6. rsyslog

5. Sysops Utilities

5.1. Performance Analysis

5.1.1. ps

5.1.2. sar

5.1.3. top htop atop

5.1.4. iostat

5.1.5. memstat

5.1.6. vmstat

5.2. troubleshooting

5.2.1. lsos -i

5.2.2. nmon

5.2.3. iptraf

5.2.4. netstat

5.2.5. dig

5.2.6. nslookup

5.2.7. tcpdump

5.2.8. telnet

6. Automated Provisioning

6.1. Foreman

6.2. Cobbler

6.3. Razor

7. Continuous Integration / Deployment

7.1. Version Control (SCM)

7.1.1. Git

7.1.2. SVN

7.2. Deployment

7.2.1. Capistrano

7.2.2. Octopus Deploy

7.3. Integration

7.3.1. Jenkins/Hudson

7.3.2. Buildbot

7.3.3. Bamboo

7.3.4. Cruise Control

7.3.5. Rundeck

7.3.6. Travis CI

7.3.7. TeamCity

7.4. Artifacts

7.4.1. Artifactory

7.4.2. Nexus

7.5. Build

7.5.1. Gradle

7.5.2. Maven

8. Containers

8.1. Docker

8.1.1. Kubernetes

8.1.2. Mesos

8.1.3. CoreOS

8.1.4. Fig

8.1.5. Swarm

8.1.6. Docker Registry

8.1.7. Compose

8.2. OpenVZ

8.3. Rocket

9. Virtual Dev Environments

9.1. Vagrant

9.2. Packer

9.3. Veewee

10. Cloud

10.1. Private Cloud

10.1.1. Openstack

10.1.2. OpenNebula

10.1.3. Eucalyptus

10.2. Public Cloud

10.2.1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Code Deploy Opsworks Cloudformation Elastic Beanstalk Code Pipeline Cloudwatch Log Analyzer EC2 Container Service

10.2.2. Google Compute Engine (GCE)

10.2.3. Microsoft Azure

10.2.4. Rackspace

10.2.5. Joyent

10.2.6. Digital Ocean

11. Automated Testing

11.1. Junit

11.2. SonarQube

11.3. Infrastructure Testing

11.3.1. Serverspec

11.3.2. Test Kitchen

11.3.3. Cucumber

12. Service Discovery

12.1. etcd

12.1.1. skydns

12.2. consul

12.3. zookeeper

13. Scripting

13.1. bash

13.2. powershell

13.3. perl

13.4. python

13.5. ruby