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Brian by Mind Map: Brian

1. ILLP Areas

1.1. Oral (conversation & vocabulary)

1.2. Reading

1.3. Writing

1.4. Grammar

1.5. 60 minutes each


2.1. Building Background

2.1.1. Concept Definition Map

2.1.2. Cloze Sentences

2.1.3. Foldables

2.2. Jigsaw Reading

2.3. Opportunities for Interactions

2.4. Scaffolding

2.5. Wait Time

3. Target Date

3.1. March 13, 2016

4. Current Situation

4.1. Basic Level of Proficiency

4.2. Attends lunch tutoring and intervention

4.3. Receives a significant amount of 1-on-1 support during class

4.4. Needs to build confidence

4.5. Do not overload with instructions

5. ELP Standards

5.1. IV-LS 1:HI-7 Responding to social conversations, repeating information, asking questions, offering advice, sharing one’s experiences and expressing one’s thoughts

5.2. IV-LS 2:HI-7 Issuing a sequence of steps to carry out a familiar process using academic vocabulary

5.3. IV-LS 2:HI-4 Participating in formal and informal conversation tasks using complete sentences

5.4. IV-LS 2:HI-6 Making predictions and inferences about academic content using complete sentences

5.5. IV-R 3: B-1 Reading aloud passages from unfamiliar text

5.6. IV-R 4: B-1 Fiction v. nonfiction

5.7. IV-R 4: B-5 Asking who, what, when, where, why, how

5.8. IV-R 4: B-12 Identifying author’s main purpose

5.9. IV-W 3: B-2 Determining the purpose

5.10. IV-W 3: B-4 Identifying and applying tools/strategies to rearrange and modify words, sentences, and paragraphs in order to clarify meaning

5.11. IV-W 3: B-6 Presenting writing in a format appropriate to audience and purpose

5.12. IV-W 4: B-1 Writing text that incorporates details

5.13. IV-L 1: B-17 Defining auxiliary verbs (to be)

5.14. IV-L 1: B-18 Using modal auxiliary verbs in a sentence with sub/verb agreement and with instructional support

5.15. IV-L 1: B-31 Choosing a past perfect progressive tense verb

5.16. IV-L 1: B-1 (pronouns) Using personal subjective pronouns