1. gives you sync API on top of async networks
2. pluggable event loop
2.1. written in Python
3. thread pool built0in
4. monkey patching on steroids
4.1. DB API using threads
5. has a DBAPI 2.0 compatible MySQL driver
6. Omegle.com in production
6.1. replaced Twisted
6.1.1. twisted commonly used for building high-performance server in Python reactor pattern & deferred (aka Future) very mature & adopted hard to learn uses callbacks with defferes which results in terrible code
7. Frameworks
7.1. gevent
7.1.1. abstracts the different OS implementations
7.1.2. fork of eventlet
7.2. twisted
7.2.1. reactor based with callbacks
7.2.2. thinks it's very difficult to work with
7.3. Concurrence
7.3.1. libevent based with Greenlets/stackless
7.3.2. like threads, but not primitive
7.3.3. from Hyves (the dutch facebook)
7.4. Eventlet
7.4.1. libevent/epoll based with greenlets from Linden Labs (SecondLife)
8. Something extra - Node.js
8.1. Vitaly: "Erlang for poors"
8.2. Evented IO on top of Google's V8 JS engine
8.2.1. compiles JS to assembler JIT
8.2.2. though main time is on IO not processing
8.3. has async file IO
8.3.1. very hard to do
8.3.2. in linux, no real async file IO
8.4. let's you write high-performance servers in JavaScirpt
8.5. parser written in Rebel
8.5.1. state-machine
9. what is this???
9.1. Doesn't have a standard socke implementation & no monkey-patchng support
10. New node
11. Новый узел
12. Greenlets in pure python
13. Uses libev for the event loop, libeio for file IO
14. Gevent
14.1. used by
14.2. has some problems, but Uriel says it's good for production
14.3. Uriel's favorite
14.3.1. will be used in their next release
15. Doesn't seem active
16. About
16.1. R&D manager at Binfire
16.1.1. Python for infra
17. title
17.1. with
17.1.1. gevent, concurrence, twisted, eventlet (& node.js)
18. Async networking
18.1. handling many concurrent users
18.2. basic idea
18.2.1. get a notif when a socket is ready for some IO operation & continue with other stuff until IO is available
18.2.2. like callbacks in javascript
18.3. using 1 thread like this: blocking calls block all requests
18.4. in operating systems
18.4.1. file descriptors in Linux epoll
18.5. only good for very heavy computation
19. Concurrence
19.1. libevent based with greenlets
19.1.1. like Erlang's actors
19.2. use channels to communicate between tasklets
20. Eventlet
20.1. thread safe
20.2. quite slow
20.3. Websockets support
20.4. slightly slower than Gevent
20.5. Bug & messy compared to Gevent
21. Comet-like chat examples (no-polling)
21.1. API
21.1.1. / just serve index
21.1.2. Untitled
21.1.3. /wait returns when new data exists
21.2. all users call the wait method, but the server doesn't need threads serving all waiting clients
21.3. See examples the slides http://urielkatz.com
21.3.1. Untitled
21.3.2. Twisted
21.3.3. Concurrence
21.3.4. Gevent
21.3.5. Eventlet
21.3.6. Node.js
22. Largest pitfall
22.1. Each greenlet must give control to next greenlets
22.1.1. If 1 is blocking, all will be blocked
22.2. Can't escape this - a price we need to pay
23. Uriel's experience with Gevent
23.1. patches to pywsgi
23.1.1. Untitled
23.2. waitany function
23.3. stuff done in work
23.3.1. streaming proxy to Rackkspace cloud files libevent doesn't support streaming streaming zip parts 500 concurrent connections with 45MB of memory like the url's in S3 specific for user
23.3.2. comet message bus
23.3.3. real-time drawing like Google drawing