The Policy Cycle

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The Policy Cycle by Mind Map: The Policy Cycle

1. Policy Agenda

1.1. Policy Problems

1.2. Theories

1.2.1. Rational Choice

1.2.2. Social Construction

1.2.3. Network Approach

1.3. Frameworks

1.3.1. Multiple Streams

1.3.2. Advocacy Coalition

2. Policy Formulation

2.1. Theories

2.1.1. Elite Theory

2.1.2. Group Theory

2.1.3. New node

2.2. Frameworks

2.2.1. Institutional Analysis and Development

2.3. Rational Comprehensive Decision Making

3. Policy Evaluation

3.1. Theories

3.1.1. Incrementalism

3.1.2. Punctuated Equilibrium

3.2. Frameworks

3.2.1. Social Construction

3.3. Comparative Studies - Evaluation Method

4. Models - Incorporating All or Most Stages

4.1. Innovation

4.2. Diffusion

5. Policy Adoption

5.1. Frameworks

5.1.1. Institutional Analysis and Development

6. Policy Implementation

6.1. Techniques of Control

6.2. Political Environment - Politics!

6.3. Federalism

6.4. Frameworks

6.4.1. Social Construction