Trust, Respect, and Responsibility Map

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Trust, Respect, and Responsibility Map by Mind Map: Trust, Respect, and Responsibility Map

1. Respect

1.1. Don't use another student's computer without asking, take care of your computer (keep the keys on the keyboard), listen to facilitators when it comes to laptop use

2. Trust

2.1. Being respectful of others computers, always making sure that you are on task and always follow through with what you say.

3. Responsibility

3.1. Knowing how to prioritize, be accountable, and clean up after yourself.

4. Consequences

4.1. Trust: Won't be able to borrow or be trusted with a laptop ever again

4.2. Respect: It will be difficult to move up to better your self and your laptop

4.3. Responsibility: You won't be taken seriously.