Supply Chain Management: An Overview

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Supply Chain Management: An Overview by Mind Map: Supply Chain Management: An Overview

1. Supply Chain Issues

1.1. Technology

1.2. Transportation

1.3. Security

1.4. Cost-Value

2. Supply Chain Flows

2.1. Product Flow

2.2. Information Flow

2.3. Cash Flow

2.4. Demand Flow

3. Major Forces

3.1. Globalization

3.2. Technology

3.3. Organizational Consolidation

3.4. Empowered Consumer

3.5. Gov. policy and Regulations

4. Integrated Logistics Management

4.1. Fragmentation

4.1.1. SCM

4.2. Integration

4.3. Total Integration

5. Integrated Supply Chain

5.1. Product

5.2. Information

5.3. Finances