Foundations of Education

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Foundations of Education by Mind Map: Foundations of Education

1. Sociology of Education

1.1. Effects of Schooling on Individuals

1.1.1. Knowledge and Attitudes The higher the social class of a student, the higher the level of educational achievement. Differences between schools is not a significant impact. Academically oriented schools have higher levels of student achievement.

1.2. Employment

1.2.1. More Education results in better jobs and opportunities.

1.3. Education and Mobility

1.3.1. Education is the great equalizer in the status race.

1.3.2. Poor and rich people see no effect on the social status as a result of their education attainment.

1.3.3. Competition is not fair Winners win with exceptions and losers are dropped from the competition.

1.3.4. Rules are not always fair.

1.4. Inside the Schools

1.4.1. Curriculum is determined by those who want to perpetuate certain values and beliefs.

1.4.2. Not all students study the same curriculum.

1.4.3. Curriculum determines who goes to college.

1.4.4. Cultural transmission, selective channeling of opportunity and social mobility are determined at the school level and its curriculum.

1.5. Teacher Behavior

1.5.1. Teachers may have as many as 1,000 interactions with students on a daily basis.

1.5.2. Teacher expectations directly influence student achievement.

1.5.3. Self-fulfilling prophecy has a direct impact on student success.

1.5.4. The more teachers demanded from their students results in higher student self esteem and success.

1.6. Student Peer Groups and Alienation

1.6.1. Nerds, cool kids and athletes.

1.6.2. Careerists which are middle and upper middle class.

1.6.3. Intellectuals come from highly educated families.

1.6.4. Strivers come from middle and hard workers come from lower class..

1.6.5. The Uneducated come from all backgrounds.

1.7. Education and Inequality

1.7.1. American society resembles a triangle where most people are at the base.

1.7.2. The top 20% possess 75% of wealth.

1.8. Inadequate Schools

1.8.1. Affluent schools provide better social mobility than poorer schools.

1.9. Tracking

1.9.1. Tracking has a direct effect on student expectations and success.

1.10. De Facto Segregation

1.10.1. People segregate themselves into their confort areas.

1.10.2. Racial integration benefits minorities more than the majority.

1.11. Gender Biases

1.11.1. Men re still paid more for equivalent jobs.

1.11.2. Academics are leveling between the sexes.

1.11.3. Schools are still perpetuating gender inequalities.

1.12. The Current Educational Crisis

1.12.1. One third of children are at-rish of failing.

1.12.2. One fourth of preschool children live in poverty.

1.12.3. Fifteen million are reared by single mothers.

2. Curriculum and Pedagogy

2.1. Historically

2.1.1. Idealists say we should teach the great works of mankind.

2.1.2. Conservatists say we should return to a humanist foundation. Social Efficiency became the cornerstone of Progressivism. Social Meliorists - reform society through schools also known as social reconstruction.

2.1.3. The social class composition of the school and community have determined what is of value in the curriculum.

2.2. Sociology of the Curriculum

2.2.1. Society influences the curriculum

2.2.2. Formal curriculum - what is cognitively taught (subjects)

2.2.3. Informal or Hidden curriculum

2.2.4. Null curriculum

2.2.5. Social order determines the curriculum

2.2.6. A capitalist society perpetuates the curriculum for maintaining social order.

2.2.7. Multiculturists influence on curriculum has promoted a diverse needs classroom. Page 294

3. Equality of Opportunity

3.1. Social Stratification - three systems.

3.1.1. Caste - a person's social level is determined by race or religion.

3.1.2. Estate Systems - a person's social level is determined by family value and worth.

3.1.3. Class Systems - a person's worth is determined by their ability to overcome personal achievement.

3.2. Class

3.2.1. Schools represent the middle and upper class.

3.2.2. Parental income is directly related to educational achievement and test performance.

3.3. Race

3.3.1. Race has a direct impact on how much educational attainment a person achieves.

3.3.2. Minorities do not receive the same educational opportunities as white Americans.

3.4. Gender

3.4.1. In the last twenty years, significant gains have been made to equalize gender educational and professional attainment.

3.4.2. Disparities still exist in education and job salaries.

3.5. The Coleman Study 1982

3.5.1. Private school students outperform public school students.

3.5.2. Differences in schools do make a difference.

3.5.3. The difference is in how much more demanding private schools are of their students.

4. Philosophy of Education

4.1. Teacher-Centered

4.1.1. Essentialism Emphasis on academics Academically rigorous Administrators and teaches set curriculum

4.1.2. Perenialism Focus on classic ideas Focus on concepts, not facts Teaches set curriculum

4.2. Student Centered

4.2.1. Progressivism Education based on needs and interest of students Teaching through field trips and games Experimental learning

4.2.2. Social Reconstructionism Learn from meaningful social experiences Focus on social, political and economic needs Become intelligent problem solvers, enjoy learning

4.2.3. Existentialism No grading system, rarely found in public school Emphasis on individuality Teachers expose students to various paths; students choose which to follow

4.3. Teacher Centered

4.3.1. Essentialism Emphasis on academics Academically rigorous Administrators and teachers set curriculum

4.3.2. Perenialism Focus on classic ideas Focus on concepts, not facts Teachers set curriculum

5. Schools as Organizations

5.1. Great Britain

5.1.1. In the 19th Century, the rich had eduation in private schools while the poor didn't receive education.

5.1.2. The 1944 Education created free elementary and secondary education for all. Schools are stratified socially and ecoomically.

5.1.3. Comprehensive high schools were eliminated, which prepared students for the workforce.

5.1.4. France Elitists educational system. Separate schools for the elite and the poor. Top students went to grandes e'coles. Extreme government control. Very competitive system.

5.2. Former Soviet Union

5.2.1. Very centralized system.

5.2.2. This special interest created a stratified system.

5.2.3. The downfall resulted in the inequality that was created.

5.3. Japan

5.3.1. Centralized eductional system in the 1880s.

5.3.2. Competitive education. Demanding college entrnce exams.

5.3.3. Double system of education

5.4. Germany

5.4.1. Students are sorted at an early age to be tracked into their appropriate careers.

5.4.2. Opposite of US system, which is open to all.

5.4.3. Academic achievement is very closely associated with social class.

5.5. Finland

5.5.1. Racial and social classes have very few discrepancies across test scores.

5.5.2. All tracking is eliminted.

5.5.3. Emphasis is on formative evaluations.

5.5.4. The one stndardized test is for college entrance.

5.5.5. They have a high reguard for teachers and competitive salaries.

5.5.6. Teachers have a high degree of job satisfaction.

5.6. School Processes and Culture

5.6.1. Schools are seprate social organiztions because they: Have definitive populations. Have political structures. Represent a multitude of social groups. Are prevailed by the "we feeling". Have their own special culture.

5.6.2. Changing Schools Conflict is a necessary part of change. New behaviors must be learned. Team building must extend to all parts. Process and content are interrelated.

5.7. Teachers, Teaching and Professionalism

5.7.1. Teachers have to develop all kinds of interpersonal skills.

5.7.2. Key to teaching is exercising control.

5.7.3. A classroom must have control to be an effective learning environment.

5.7.4. Turn each day into a special event.

5.7.5. Standardized generic education limits teachers' creativity and risk-taking.

5.8. Governance

5.8.1. The US Department of Education was created in 1970.

5.8.2. The US Department of Education has very little power.

5.9. Centralization

5.9.1. 55 million students are educated at the cost of $650 billion.

5.9.2. 1930s there were 128k public school districts.

5.9.3. The average elementary school has 450 students. High schools have 856.

5.10. Private Schools

5.10.1. There are approximately 28,200 elementary and secondary private schools in the US.

5.10.2. Private schools constitute 25% of all schools and educate only 10% of all students.

5.10.3. In the '30s there were less than 10k private schools.

5.10.4. In 2009 there wre 21,780 private elementary and secondary schools.

5.10.5. Most private schools are located on the east and west coasts.

5.10.6. In the '80s and '90s studies indicated that private schools were better learning environments.

5.11. Student Composition in Public Schools

5.11.1. 53.5% are white.

5.11.2. Of the states, 16 have less than 50% white.

5.11.3. Large states are heavily multiracial.

5.11.4. Ten states have no minorities.

5.12. Degree of Openness

5.12.1. Few academic impediments exist to graduate high school.

5.12.2. Open to all and very inclusive.

5.12.3. Very democratic process of education.

6. Educational Inequality

6.1. Sociological Explanations of Inequality

6.1.1. Functionalist Theorists support the idea that each students' success is determined by their own hard work and desire to succeed.

6.1.2. Conflict Theorists support the idea that student success is afflected by their environment.

6.1.3. Interactionists Theorists support that student success is determined by a combination of factors such as family, social class schools and environment.

6.1.4. Other factors that influence student success are: Student-centered factors such as family, peer group, community, culture and the student. School-centered factors include teachers, teaching methods, curriculum, school climate and teacher expectations.

7. Educational Reform

7.1. Two waves of attack.

7.1.1. The first was concerned with accountability and achievement.

7.1.2. The second was concerned with the processes of the school.

7.2. A Theory of Educational Problems and Reforms

7.2.1. Integrative Realm - basic skills and knowledge is the focus for school improvement and student achievement.

7.2.2. Developmental Realm - focus is on developing the whole child by having schools become more humane institutions.

8. History of U.S. Education

8.1. Our Purpose Then

8.1.1. To read the Bible & to save our souls

8.2. Our Purpose Now

8.2.1. Transmit culture

8.2.2. Prepare for a global economy

8.2.3. Prepare for the workforce

8.2.4. Become a productive citizen

8.2.5. Become a social citizen

8.2.6. Pursuit of happiness

8.2.7. Pursuit of freedom

8.2.8. Pursuit of knowledge

8.2.9. Pursuit of life

8.3. First Public Schools

8.3.1. Boys only

9. Politics of Education

9.1. Conservative

9.1.1. Conservatives

9.1.2. Mlestones

9.2. Liberal

9.2.1. Neo Liberals

9.2.2. Budget

9.3. Radical

9.4. Neo-Liberals

10. Structure of US Schools

10.1. Governance

10.1.1. The US Department of Education was created in 1970.

10.1.2. The US Department of Education has very little power.

10.2. Centralization

10.2.1. 55 million students are educated at the cost of $650 billion.

10.2.2. There were 128k public school districts in the 1930s.

10.2.3. The average elementary school has 450 students. High schools have 856.

10.3. Privtate Schools

10.3.1. There are approx. 28,200 private elementary & secondary schools in the US.

10.3.2. Private schools constitute 25% of all schools and educate only 10% of all students.

10.3.3. There were less than 10k private schools in the 1930s.

10.3.4. There were 21,780 private elementary and secondary schools in 2009.

10.3.5. Most private schools are located on the east and west coasts.

10.3.6. Studies show that private schools were better learning environments in the '80s and '90s

10.4. Student Composition in Public Schools

10.4.1. 53.5% are white.

10.4.2. Of the states, 16 have less than 50% white.

10.4.3. Large states are heavily mutiracial.

10.4.4. Ten states have no minorities.

10.5. Degree of Openness

10.5.1. Few academic impediments exist to graduate high school.

10.5.2. Open to all and very inclusive.

10.5.3. Very democratic process of education.