Workable Curriculum is developed

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Workable Curriculum is developed by Mind Map: Workable Curriculum is developed

1. Aims

2. Instructional Evaluation

3. Situation Analysis

4. Sources: Curriculum development in nursing : process and innovations / Leana R. Uys and Nomthandazo S. Gwele. London ; New York : Routledge, 2005. Curriculum development in nursing [electronic resource] : process and innovations / Leana R. Uys and Nomthandazo S. Gwele. London ; New York : Routledge, 2005.

5. Educational principles

6. The principle of curriculum development being scientific approach

7. The principle of curriculum development having a logical point of departure

8. The principle of curriculum development being a process

9. The principle of curriculum development being a cooperative effort

10. The principle of relevance

11. Exploratory stage (A) Conducting situational analysis (B) Identifying constraints (C) Critical path analysis (D) Curriculum presage deliberations (E) Creating curriculum design criteria and a plan of action

12. Content

13. Learning Activities

14. Profeesional principles

15. The principle of coorperativeness

16. The principle of integration

17. The principle of networking

18. The principle of curriculum supporting problem-based learning

19. The principle of curriculum development being an innovative endeavour

20. The principle of curriculum developing a research orientation among learners

21. Stages of curriculum development

22. Curriculum design stage

23. Curriculum implementation