My Foundations of Education

Foundations of Education notes

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My Foundations of Education by Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Politics of Education

1.1. Liberal Perspective

1.1.1. Quality with Equality

1.1.2. Improvement of Failing Schools teacher empowerment

1.2. Progressive Vision


2. Philosophy of Education

2.1. Progressive Philosophy

2.1.1. Dewey's Instrumentalism & Experimentalism Attainment of a Better Society Through Education Education as a way of life, not simply a preparation for a future life Socialization of diverse groups of students into a cohesive democratic community

2.1.2. Integrated Curriculum (and curriculum evolves as students' interests and needs change)

2.1.3. Howard Gardner Theory of Multiple Intelligences

3. Equality of Opportunity

3.1. African American Students

3.1.1. Quality of Education

3.2. Female Students

3.2.1. Female students are given more equal educational opportunities now, but there is still a significant gap in attainment. Wage Gap (the link attached to this node is actually a photo, but it won't allow me to add it as a photo unless I upgrade)

3.3. Response to The Coleman Study

3.3.1. Ron Edmonds (Harvard) All students can learn, it is the differences between schools which significantly impact student learning. (Edmonds)

4. Schools as Organizations

4.1. Major Stakeholders

4.1.1. Senator: Jeff Sessions

4.1.2. Representative: Johnny Mack Morrow

4.1.3. State Superintendent: Tommy Bice

4.1.4. Local Rep on State Board: Dr. Cynthia S. McCarty

4.1.5. Local Superintendent: Dr. Janet Womack

4.1.6. School Board Bill Jordan, Brad DeThero, Jr., Bill Griffin, Bill Gullett, Jr., Laura Hardeman, Vicky Kirkman

4.2. German School System (appears meritocratic, but achievement is related to social class background)

4.2.1. Selection and sorting of children from a young age, ending in a tripartite (3) system of secondary education. Hauptschule blue collar/lower level service positions Realschule lower-level white collar/technical positions Gymnasium university/intellectual/management positions

5. Curriculum and Pedagogy

5.1. Historical Curriculum Theory - Developmentalist Curriculum

5.1.1. Dewey & Piaget

5.1.2. Curriculum addresses needs and interests of each child at particular developmental stages

5.2. Sociological Curriculum Theory - Multicultural Education

5.2.1. James Banks

5.2.2. 5 Dimensions of Multiculturalism: content integration, knowledge construction, prejudice reduction, equity pedagogy, and empowering school culture.

6. History of U.S. Education

6.1. Progressive Movement

6.1.1. John Dewey

6.1.2. The result of education is growth

6.2. The Democratic-Liberal School

6.2.1. Lawrence A. Cremin popularization multitudinousness

6.2.2. Equity and Excellence ideals

7. Sociological Perspectives

7.1. Functionalist Theory

7.1.1. Interdependence of the social system

7.1.2. Emile Durkheim

7.1.3. Talcott Parsons


7.2. 3 Major Effects of Schooling on Individuals

7.2.1. Knowledge and Attitudes

7.2.2. Teacher Behavior

7.2.3. Student Peer Groups/Subcultures

8. Educational Reform

8.1. School-to-Work Programs

8.1.1. School-based learning

8.1.2. Work-based learning

8.1.3. Connecting Activities

8.1.4. While the above criteria for school-to-work programs surely help them to focus on learning, the entire school-to-work program in America needs work. Students who are destined for the work force straight out of high school still need the intellectual growth that liberal arts curriculum gives an individual.

8.2. Harlem Children's Zone

8.2.1. Expecting Parents attend "Baby College", which teaches them how to be better parents. Efforts like this can close the achievement gap in ways that schools will never be able to on their own.


9. Educational Inequality

9.1. Cultural Differences Theories

9.1.1. John Ogbu Ogbu argues that African-American children do less well in school because they adapt to their oppressed position in the class and caste structure.

9.1.2. The Importance of Cultural Capital

9.1.3. Do schools reward middle-class communication codes?

9.2. School Financing


9.2.2. San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez (1973) - Supreme Court decision that property tax use for school funding is not unconstitutional, although the Court acknowledged that the practice is unjust.