A Middle Out approach to SOA/BPM

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Microsoft SOA/BPM MIDDLE OUT by Mind Map: Microsoft SOA/BPM MIDDLE OUT

1. People Ready Processes

1.1. Information Worker Relevancy

1.2. Ubiquitous Process Platform

1.3. Collaborative Process Design

1.4. Routes of Adoption

1.4.1. Awareness

1.4.2. Standardization

1.4.3. Automation

1.4.4. Optimisation

2. Real World SOA

2.1. Evolve and Extend

2.2. Connect

2.3. Increment

3. Abstract Reference Model

3.1. Expose

3.2. Compose

3.3. Consume

4. Platform

4.1. BizTalk

4.2. Sharepoint

4.3. .NET

4.4. Visio

4.5. Office

4.6. NServiceBus

4.7. Partners

4.7.1. Global360

4.7.2. InRule

4.7.3. Singularity