Categories of Disabilities

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Categories of Disabilities by Mind Map: Categories of Disabilities

1. Autism

1.1. Accommodations: 1. find alternative modes of communication such as augmentative devices 2. work with the student on their social behavior

1.2. Case Study: D.T. is an autistic child who communicates by using one or two word phrases. He does most of his communication by pointing. His motor skills are poor and he has no interest in engaging with other people. D.T. experiences seizures every ten to fourteen days. After five weeks with rhythmic entertainment intervention, his mother reported that he was showing more caring towards others and his eye contact improved significantly. He began imitating other children and exhibited more interactive play with others. He was noticeably more calm and had fewer tantrums.

2. Deaf-Blindness

2.1. Accommodations: 1. provide Braille or provide the student an assistive listening device

3. Deafness

3.1. Accommodations: 1. learning ASL for the student or providing resources for the student to watch so that they can learn through signing 2. writing out instructions for the student to read

4. Developmental Delay

4.1. Accommodations: 1. work on helping the student to develop skills in the area in which they are lacking skills

5. Emotional Disturbance

5.1. Accommodations: 1. Work with the student on keeping a positive mindset and help maintain a positive learning environment

6. Hearing Impairment

6.1. Accommodations: 1. provide the student with an assistive hearing device 2. give more written instructions for the student to read

7. Intellectual Disability

7.1. Accommodations: 1. work with the student one-on-one and provide multiple ways to teach lessons 2. be persistent in teaching material in a way the student can understand

8. Multiple Disabilities

8.1. Accommodations: 1. adapt to the combination of disabilities the student has as best as possible 2. provide the accommodations necessary of all disabilities the child has

9. Orthopedic Impairment

9.1. Accommodations: 1. specialized seating arrangement to keep child closer to the door or front of the classroom 2. help with general motor skills

10. Other Health Impairment

10.1. Accommodations: 1. make sure the student is taking any medicine and allow student to see nurse when feeling ill

10.2. Case Study: J.W. is a 9 year old female that struggles with attention deficit disorder. After rhythmic entertainment intervention, J.W. saw improvement in overall anxiety, ability to follow directions, aggressive behaviors, memory, attention span, eye contact, listening ability, restlessness, ability to handle transitions or change, cooperation, ability to focus on and complete tasks, and temper tantrums. She also gained the ability to calm herself when she starts to get angry.

11. Specific Learning Disability

11.1. Accommodations: 1. work with the student in finding a way to help the student learn well despite their learning disability

12. Speech or Language Impairment

12.1. Accommodations: !. be patient with the student when they are speaking 2. allow the student to use a computer to relay information that they have trouble saying

13. Tramatic Brain Injury

13.1. Accommodations: 1. help the student in any area where the brain is having trouble functioning 2. work on strengthening that area with the student

13.2. Case Study: R.H. was involved in a car accident in 2004. The accident did damage to his frontal and left parietal lobes. After the accident, R.H. struggled with expressive language, writing, memory, and concentration. After listening to CD's of music, doctors saw improvement over time in concentration and expressive language as well as his mood and anxiety.

14. Visual Impairment, Including Blindness

14.1. Accommodations: 1. seat the student somewhere that helps the student see 2. give the student verbal instruction to help the student learn