Chapter 1 Audrey Sam Jade Trinity

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Chapter 1 Audrey Sam Jade Trinity by Mind Map: Chapter 1 Audrey Sam    Jade Trinity

1. Exponents

1.1. laws of exponents

1.2. base (of an exponent)

1.3. scientific notation

2. Functions

2.1. increasing function

2.2. function notation

2.3. exponential function

2.4. linear function

2.5. decreasing function

3. Equation

3.1. absolute value

3.2. X & Y table

3.2.1. y-intercepts & x-intercepts

4. Giant One

5. Graphs

5.1. dependent variable

5.2. proportional relationship

5.3. x-intercepts

5.4. domain

5.5. independent variable

5.6. range

5.7. graph

5.8. y-intercepts

6. Input and output values