Demonstrative pronouns:

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Demonstrative pronouns: by Mind Map: Demonstrative pronouns:

1. plural pronuons: Cuando no se acompañan con el sustantivo el pronombre demostrativo actua como persona o cosa dela que se esta hablando

1.1. These

1.1.1. These children of today

1.1.2. These are good

1.2. Those

1.2.1. Those is incredible

1.2.2. Those are spensive

2. Singular pronouns: Se usan como adjetivos los que acompañan al nombre del sustantivo en la oración especificando de que se esta hablando

2.1. This

2.1.1. This is my brother

2.1.2. This can of soda

2.2. That

2.2.1. That car in the street

2.2.2. That is my house

3. Such: Se usa cuando se hace referenca a persona o cosa.

3.1. College students have many responsabilities such people have to deal with tha stress

4. None: usado para ninguno o ninguna

4.1. None of the animals can't think

5. One and Ones: Sirve para reemplazar al sustantivo o sustantivos para evitar repetirlo

5.1. -What about the shoes? I like the black one.