Distance Education

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Distance Education by Mind Map: Distance Education

1. Is not:

1.1. directly comparable to traditional learning

1.2. new

1.3. alien

2. Learner Profile

2.1. PT students, FT workers

2.2. have more work exp

2.3. usually older

2.4. are upwardly mobile

2.5. have more qualifications

3. Systems view

3.1. Learning, teaching, communication, design, management

4. LMS Environments

4.1. Compass

4.2. Desire2Learn

4.3. Canvas

4.4. Moodle

4.5. Google Classroom

4.6. LEO

4.7. Apax

4.8. BlackBoard

4.9. Connexions

4.10. Lots and lots more

5. Social learning

5.1. EdModo

5.1.1. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

6. Distance Education: Distance education can be many things: it can be a training ground for employees, it can be a degree-granting online university, or it can be a hybrid online high school program. It can also be massive, such as a MOOC, or very personal, as in online English tutoring. It can be crowd-sourced, like https://www.duolingo.com/, or it can be closed to only a particular group of learners, such as this course, or in a professor-led Facebook group. It can reach many that could otherwise not participate and it can provide flexibility to the full-time worker so they can attend class without commuting to a campus.

7. Can:

7.1. update skills

7.2. cut participant costs

7.3. imp;rove quality

7.4. enhance capacity

7.5. balance inequality

7.6. can fit into plans and lifestyles in a different way than traditional LE's

7.7. reach specific audiences

8. Has:

8.1. Generations

8.1.1. Moore and Kearsley:

8.1.2. Gen 1: Correspondence

8.1.3. Gen 2: Broadcast and radio and TV

8.1.4. Gen 3: Open Universitiies

8.1.5. Gen 4: Teleconferencing

8.1.6. Gen 5: Internet/Web

8.2. Otto:

8.3. Gen 1: Traditional Core

8.4. Gen 2: Teleconferencing

8.5. Gen 3: PC, supplements CMC

8.6. Unique qualities

9. What's still needed:

9.1. Support for overcoming learning difficulties specific to DE

9.2. More flexibility

10. Models:

10.1. Correspondence

10.1.1. conversation teacher tutor

11. Types:

11.1. Media

11.1.1. text images sounds

12. Modes of operating:

12.1. Single mode

12.1.1. Specific to DE Guided self-study

12.2. Dual mode

12.2.1. Traditional Attending teaching events via indirect attendance

12.3. Mixed mode

12.3.1. Autonomous self-guided learning

13. Examples:

13.1. MOOCs

13.1.1. Public university courses Private colleges for-profit institution