7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization by Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. Sumerians Agriculture: The Sumerians grew Emmer wheat, barley and raised sheep and cattle. The Sumerians had developed core agricultural techniques including cultivation of land, mono-cropping, organized irrigation, and a specialized labour force.

2. Shang/Zhu Agriculture: The Shang (and Zhu) people were very advanced, they were very good with jade, ceramics, stone, wood, and bronze. Among the crops grown were rice, wheat, millet and corn. People began to raise domestic animals such as cows, sheep, horses, chickens, dogs and pigs.

3. Shang/Zhu Geography: It was right under the Yellow River Valley in the northeast region of China. Here they had water and good fertile soil which helped them thrive as a civilization.

4. Sumerians Geography: Sumeria is in Mesopotamia, in the fertile Crescent. The rivers by it are Tigris and Euphrates. Mesopotamia is divided into two parts the upper mesopotamia and sumer. Mesopotamia was perfect for farming but It barely rained and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flooded usually at inopportune times like when the food is about to be harvested.

5. vessel from shang dynasty

6. Economy and Trade

6.1. Sumerians

6.1.1. Sumerian jobs included pottery crafters, stone cutters, metal smiths, farmers, shepherds ,leather workers and fishers.

6.1.2. The economy of Sumer relied on trade especially because people goth there raw living materials from trading.The items they received included; stone, metal and timber that

6.2. Shang dynasty: Huang He

6.2.1. People casted bronze and created weapons, tools, and musical instruments.Shang's main crop was millet and was farmed by farmers or slaves. Potters also created items for daily life as well as for ritual purposes.

7. Geography and Agriculture

8. Religion

8.1. Shang/Zhou

8.1.1. - Believed in the importance of rituals

8.1.2. - Buried people with items for them to use in the afterlife

8.1.3. - The Shang and Zhou were polytheists

8.1.4. -The Shang and Zhou would worship their ancestors

8.2. Sumerians

8.2.1. -Sumerians were polytheists with over 2,000 gods and godesses

8.2.2. - Every house, city and village had its own god

8.2.3. - Their purpose on earth was to serve the gods

8.2.4. - Kings we're believed to be representatives of the gods

9. Social Structure and Family Life

9.1. Shang/Zhou

9.1.1. - Kings like King Wen we're thought of as a living standard of wisdom and towered above everyone in their social pyramid

9.1.2. - People believed that children must respect their parents

9.1.3. - Their social pyramid had kings at the top, the military and priests in the middle, and merchants and farmers at the bottom

9.1.4. - Confucius (6th century B.C.E philosopher) has had influences on the Shang's, Zhou's, and modern day China's lives

9.2. Sumerians

9.2.1. - Women we're thought of as "the daughter of her father" or "the wife of her husband"

9.2.2. - Sumerians owned slaves

9.2.3. - Most Sumerians lived in mud-brick buildings with their families

9.2.4. - Sumerians had an upper class consisting of nobles, priest, warriors, and government officials

10. Was said to have multiple capital cities.The first of which is said to be called "Shang" (near modern day Zhengzhou)There were many social scales and the invention of writing greatly helped the government rule its people.

10.1. According to legend a man by the name of Cheng Tang over founds the Shang dynasty by over throwing its current ruler.Shang was run by a series of Monarchy (approximately 30 of them)

11. The job of a king was to over see construction and preservation of temples and other building significant to the town.

12. Shang/Zhu Science: The Shang established a lunar calendar using 29-day months and 12 months in a year. The Shang also developed the chariot and domesticated horses, which gave them a massive military advantage over their opponents.

13. Sumerian Science: They were among the first formal astronomers. They came up with the concept of dividing the hour into 60 minutes and the minute into 60 seconds.

14. Shang/Zhu Technology: They invited Chopsticks, Palaces, Music Instruments and Calendars.

15. Sumerians Technology: They invented the wheel, beer, pictographs, carts and wagons.

16. Sumerian Arts: writing was called a Cuneiform, they used sharp tools to carve the lettering into a clay tablet. Not all Sumerians learned to write they would pay scribes to write their stories or achievements

17. The sumerian civilization was run by a monarchy.The kings were put into their position by what they determined to be divine right.

18. Arts and Education

19. Science and Technology

20. Government and Leaders

20.1. Sumerians

20.2. Shang

21. Sumerian Education: Students learned by copying lessons on clay tablets, memorizing the lessons, and then reciting them for the school's headmaster or other teachers, monitors, and protectors of the school.

22. Shang Zhu: In the Spring and Autumn Period (770BC - 476BC), private schools sprung up and many scholars of different schools spread their teaching . Usually the students were provided with free food and mainly studied the classical Confucian books. Following examinations, those with good marks would directly be given official titles.

23. Shang Zhu: The improvements in bronze casting techniques helped them make delicate musical instruments. The sculptures made during this time where lots kinds of patterns. Carved on bronze, jade, and pottery wares. On other things, like stones, animal bones, and horns.