7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization by Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. Sumerians

1.1. Geography and Agriculture

1.1.1. Mesopotamia is in between two rives Tigris and Euphrates.

1.1.2. Sumerians had perfect farming which lead to more people and more conflict.

1.1.3. Sumerians occupied the fertile lower valley in between Tigris and Euphrates

1.1.4. Through a system of dikes, dams, and canals the precipitation in the mountainous region in the north is used in the south.

1.2. Arts and Education

1.2.1. Sumerian art is mainly about exploring and supporting the relationships between people and gods, and plants and animals

1.2.2. Most of the earliest stautues in west asia were made of clay, not stone. sculptures were round because its hard to make sharp edges with clay.

1.2.3. The Sumerians made cylinder seals. Cylinder seals was a way to show who you are. They used cylinder seals the same way that we use signatures

1.2.4. schools were run by priests and school was very tough. If students made mistakes then they would be whipped

1.3. Science and Technology

1.3.1. They were among the first formal astronomers

1.3.2. Invented military formations

1.3.3. 3 main types of boats: skin boats, sailboats, and wooden ships

1.3.4. Harpoons and Quivers were invented

1.4. Economy and Trade

1.4.1. Created irrigation canals to help with farming.

1.4.2. Traded crops like corn to Asia-minor and Iran.

1.4.3. Traded for stones, metal and timber.

1.4.4. With the tools they got from trading they made jewelry and weapons.

1.5. Religion

1.5.1. Believed gods controlled human fate.

1.5.2. King was a form of a god.

1.5.3. Gods decided if you went to heaven or not.

1.5.4. High priestes were the closest things to a god on earth.

1.6. Government and Leaders

1.6.1. Ancient Sumerians are credited for the invention of government

1.6.2. One of the most famous preists war Gilgamesh of Uruk

1.6.3. There was never Sumerian Empire

1.6.4. Sumerians were assisted by priests, scribes, nobels

1.7. Social Structure and Family Life

1.7.1. 4 social classes- nobles,commoners,clients,slaves

1.7.2. Man was the head of the family and could have more than one wife

1.7.3. Men worked as crafts man, fisherman, merchants, or farmers of their own land or land of the wealthy. Men were the head of the family.

1.7.4. Husband could potentially sell his wife and children as slaves

2. "https://www.youtube.com/embed/vglAeKfm2XA"

3. "https://www.youtube.com/embed/WwxO7-3JIYY"

4. videos of new technology and religious artifacts

5. Pictures of map of civilization and art: Sumerians

5.1. Art

5.2. River of Civilization

6. Shang Zhou

6.1. Social Structure and Family Life

6.1.1. Mostly an agricultural society. They spent most of their time tending to crops.

6.1.2. Farmers were sometimes called upon to work in the army or work besides slaves to help build tombs, palaces, and walls

6.1.3. Shang rulers had time to do activities such as hunting as a sport, and collecting expensive objects made of bronze and jade

6.1.4. Shang and Chao families fought for control over land and cities

6.2. Geography and Agriculture

6.2.1. Farming lands were owned by nobles

6.2.2. Ancient China was built along two main rivers the Yellow river in the north and the Yangtze in the south. g

6.2.3. The people grew millet in rich loess soil.

6.2.4. Shang Shou is located near the Himalayan Mountains b

6.3. Arts and Education

6.3.1. Used the pierce casting method. model is made of the object to be cast, and a clay model taken of the model

6.3.2. Inscriptions on oracle bones and tortoise shells were the simple records of teaching and learning.

6.3.3. First culture in China to have a fully developed writing system

6.3.4. Tombs were decorated for the wealthy and vases, cups, and other household items were made out of bronze.

6.4. Science and Technology

6.4.1. Healing methods such as acupunture and moxibustion

6.4.2. Started the use of fertilizers and pesticides

6.4.3. Glass production started

6.4.4. Development of warfare technology like iron weapons, armanents ,and chariotshttp://www.arscives.com/historysteel/images1/C020-1-26.jpg

6.5. Economy and Trade

6.5.1. Slaves played a big part in economy.

6.5.2. Farming was big for the Shang Zhou era.

6.5.3. Corn was their biggest crop for them.

6.5.4. Slaves worked for the government and had slave trade.

6.6. Religion

6.6.1. Believed in spirits, ghosts, and deities.

6.6.2. Deities were sun, moon, stars and planets.

6.6.3. Believed in life after their death. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Western_Zhou_Gui_Vessel.jpg

6.6.4. Had prayers, sacrifices, diviners and astrologers.

6.7. Government and Leaders

6.7.1. Zhou dynasty is like a f"uedal system" because it was similair to the middle age Europe

6.7.2. King was assisted by 3 dukes ,and 3 solitares

6.7.3. There were 5 different titles of Nobility: Vong, Duke, Marquis, Earl, and viscount

6.7.4. Government was divided into 3 main sections: ministers, grans masters, and serviceman