computer coding program for young men of color in Long Beach 8-18 years old

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computer coding program for young men of color in Long Beach 8-18 years old by Mind Map: computer coding program for young men of color in Long Beach 8-18 years old

1. Limited access to computer training

1.1. Limits job opportunities

1.2. Limits Community infrastructure Development

1.3. Limits advancement

2. Ideas

2.1. Mobile Coding Training

2.2. After School or Weekend Sessions

2.3. Get a Project Sponsor

3. Action Points

3.1. Specify Performance criterias

3.2. Community Roundtables/ Surveys: Does the Community see this as a major issue?

3.3. Who are supporters and stakeholders in this project!

4. increase computer skills

4.1. Prepare for Opportunities requiring programming skills

4.2. College or Technical College entry

4.3. More Entreprenuers