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ETHICS AND ME!BY: Janae Silas создатель Mind Map: ETHICS AND ME!BY: Janae Silas

1. Plagarism: This is a sign of dishonesty, Passing some one else work as it is yours.

1.1. This causes you to be kicked out of school and you dont receive the credits you need to finish school

1.1.1. Other schools don't want to except you into there schools. Cheating yourself from getting the experience needed to be sucessful.

2. Thesis: Ethics and the college student is being able to be trusted to do your own work , Not plagiarizing, And doing your work in timely manner to be successful. Thesis: Ethics and the college student is being able to be trusted to do your own work , Not plagiarizing, And doing your work in timely manner to be successful.

3. What does ethics and the college student means to me?

4. Time Management: Being able to Prioritize home and school

4.1. Some have fulltime jobs and still have home work to do after.

4.1.1. Some have children and husbands that also have to be fed and bathe before school work.

4.2. Set deadlines for projects and assignments

4.2.1. Plan a weekly schedule and list of things needed to be done and by what date and time.

5. Not being Trusted:Not citing correct information that is found for research papers.

5.1. Copying information word for word from a book or web address. Not giving it your own words.

6. References:

6.1. References:\