Terminology for Term 3

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Terminology for Term 3 by Mind Map: Terminology for Term 3

1. Bondage, state of being enslaved

2. Longitude

2.1. Vertical on the map

2.2. Geographical Placement On A Map

3. Latitude

3.1. Horizontal on the map

3.2. Horizontal on the map

3.3. Geographical Placement On A Map

4. Vegetation

4.1. plants!

4.1.1. oil pam lianas

4.2. Doum Palm

4.3. Deforestation

4.3.1. Rainforest is shrinking Sometimes locals cut it down to make room for living and shops and farms

4.4. Flora

4.4.1. farms

4.5. What type of animals live in the Sahara desert

4.6. Cacti!

4.7. savanna

4.7.1. long, dry grasses

5. Climate

5.1. Humid

5.2. tropical

5.3. Hot or Cold

5.4. Not enoght mousiture in the clouds to rain in the sahara desert I did not know that

5.5. rainy ( like in the rain forest)

5.5.1. The rain in the rain forest can be 2m per year!!!!! in sahara it is about 2cm!!

5.6. Sultry

5.7. Sahara

5.7.1. in the sahara it rarely rain because of the thin and high clouds that don't carry much moisture so therefore they don't carry and produce much rain.

5.8. Arid, having little or no rain

6. slavery words

6.1. Exploitation,make full use of and derive benefit from

6.2. Captivity- when you are locked up or captured

6.2.1. They get kidnapped and are forced into child labour

6.2.2. Like animals in the zoo Like the monkeys!!! I think they mean when you are kidnapped and locked away. Not like a monkey because they are not kidnapped

6.3. Trafficking-is a type of slavery like the one at the bottom of this list

6.4. Unaccompainied

6.4.1. Having no escort or companion they send the children over to Europe unaccompainied

6.5. Myiad, a countless or extremely great number

6.6. Implementation ,a tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment,

6.7. Prostitution, the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.

6.7.1. It is the same as child trafficking There are different types of child trafficking child soldiers, Begging for money - Hurting them to get money, by burning there eyes Child labour, such as working in factories

6.8. Bondage, state of being enslaved

7. Geographical Features

7.1. Mountains

7.2. Cliffs

7.3. Water holes

7.4. Caves

7.5. New node

8. problems and difficulties

8.1. war

8.1.1. weapons guns landmines Death Bombs

8.1.2. Child soldiers

8.2. Starvation

8.2.1. Water

8.2.2. Food

8.2.3. Death of Hunger

8.3. sicknesss

8.3.1. lac of medaicn lack of food and clean water death

8.3.2. HIV/AIDS Depletion of antibodies in the immune system

8.4. Deforestation

9. Secrets in the fire

9.1. Landmines

9.2. guns

9.3. Bandits

9.4. villages being destrod

9.4.1. parvana

9.4.2. sophia and maria

10. New node

11. Landscape

11.1. Mountains

11.2. Deserts

11.3. Lakes

11.4. seas and oceans

12. New node

13. topography

13.1. Ergs

13.1.1. Dunes

13.1.2. Sand dunes.

13.1.3. Ergs apear in large seas of sand

13.1.4. they can reach up to 180 m!

13.1.5. They are like blizzards in Antarctica

13.2. Hamadas

13.2.1. Mountains A large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising.

13.3. Contour lines

13.3.1. The lines that show you how high/low the land was. a mountains lines will be close together and the sea would have no lines because it is 0

13.4. Regs

13.4.1. Sand plains

13.5. Wadis

13.5.1. Temporary water sources

13.6. Oasis

13.6.1. It is the fertile place in the desert.

13.6.2. Sahara in the sahara they have to live next to oasis for the water so they can survive

13.6.3. A place in the desert where you can find water

13.7. Chotts

13.7.1. Hollows that fill with salt after winter rains

13.8. Mountains and cliffs

13.8.1. Above or below sea level.

14. fauna (animals)

14.1. Endangered animals

14.1.1. animals that people hunt and use their skin for things like clothes

14.1.2. When there aren't many of animals left because they have been killed

14.2. farm / commercial animals

15. Life styles

15.1. Clothes

15.2. Housing

15.2.1. did u know that some of them live in dung houses

15.3. rain forest

15.3.1. hot and wet

15.4. Water and food availability

15.5. Food

15.5.1. water

15.6. deforestation

15.6.1. Clear an area of forest or tree

15.7. Culture

15.7.1. Religion

16. Pollution

16.1. My speech is about how bad the pollution is in Africa

16.2. Methane, which comes from cow flatulence

17. Landmines

17.1. Secrets in the fire

17.2. A large percentage of people in Africa get killed every year by landmines

17.3. with some landmines they are activated when you stand on them and they go off when you take your foot off.

17.4. little (but powerful!!) bombs in the ground that people put there and they have killed tons of people and hurt lots too.

17.4.1. sometimes they are big and small

17.5. I wounder how big the explosion is if you stand on one

17.5.1. I wouldn't want to try because you would probably die

17.6. When you step on one, it sets of the bomb, and when you step off of it it blows up.

17.7. There is a beauty pageant called miss landmine and it is for people who only have one leg or no legs from a landmine

18. Speech

18.1. Landmines- Enya

19. New node