Openness in Education

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Openness in Education by Mind Map: Openness in Education

1. Is grounded in the Ideologies of

1.1. Universal Access

2. Advocates

3. Finds roots in

4. Universal Access

5. Self Actualization

6. Inclusivity

7. Equity

8. Human Rights

9. Is a catalyst for

10. Autonomy

11. Social Progress

12. Individulal Transformation

13. Freedom

14. Knowledge for all

15. Knowledge is free

16. Closing digital divide

17. Collaboration

18. Transculturality

19. Transdisiplinarity

20. Is essential to

21. Building peace

22. Sustainable development

23. Intercultural dialogue

24. Declaration of Human Rights

25. Open Source Software Movement

26. Is enabled by

27. Interoperability

28. Tranpsarency

29. Technology

30. Connectivity

31. Attitudes

32. Collaboration

33. Shift from closed to open

34. Culture of sharing

35. Tools

36. Cooperation

37. Capacity

38. Proficiency

39. Access

40. Is a continuum

41. Capetown Declaration

42. Trends

43. Undergoes metamorphosis

44. Which is exemplified by

45. Differentiation

46. Radical Personaliztion

47. Localization

48. Diversification

49. Lifelong Learning

50. Borderless Learning

51. Credentials

52. Certificates

53. Mastery

54. Multiple Pathways

55. Analytics

56. Rich Data

57. Self-organization

58. Personal Ownership

59. Blended Environments

60. Blurring of boundaries

61. Tribing (Wiley, 2006)

62. Extensively Hybridization

63. Global Degrees

64. Multidisciplinarity

65. Anywhere, Any Time

66. Change and Innovation

67. Empowerment

68. Leadership

69. Key Influencers

70. Cultural Shift

71. Disruptive

72. Revolutionary

73. Evolutionary

74. Global

75. Impact

76. Recalibration

77. What Can I Do?

78. Democratization

79. Which leads to

80. Which can be

81. And requires

82. Courage

83. Committment

84. Individual Actions

85. Collective Actions

86. That include

87. Early Adopters

88. Is exemplified by

89. Which include

90. Which looks like

91. Knowledege for all

92. Knowledge construction for all

93. And transforms to

94. Stepping outside your comfort zone

95. Taking chances

96. Is an umbrella for

97. Technological

98. Social

99. Cultural

100. Economic

101. OER

102. Open access

103. Open data

104. Open Source Software

105. Open source hardware

106. Open content

107. Open standards

108. Open design

109. OEP

110. Digital assets

111. Information objects

112. Learning objects

113. Learning activities

114. Learning resources

115. Which reside in

116. Public domain

117. Creative Commons

118. Open scholarship

119. Open teaching

120. Facilitates open licensing

121. Public Domain (CCO)

122. Attribution Alone (BY)

123. Attribution + Non-commercial BY-NC

124. Attribution + ShareAlike (BY-SA)

125. Attribution + No-derivatives (BY-ND)

126. Attribution + Non-commercial + ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA)

127. Attribution + Non-commercial + No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND)

128. Retain

129. Resue

130. Revise

131. Remix

132. Redistribute

133. Promotes increased

134. Knowledge dissemination

135. Pace of development

136. Quality of education

137. Creativity

138. Collaborationn

139. Rethinking delivery

140. Social equity

141. The Enlightement

142. Open research

143. Includes

144. Networked activities

145. Google Docs

146. Yammer

147. Dropbox

148. Skype

149. Blackboard


151. Google Hangouts

152. Adobe Connect

153. WordPress

154. Blogger

155. Includes

156. With guiding framework

157. Consideration must be given to

158. OER models include

159. Endowment model

160. Memebership model

161. ROER

162. Challenges faced include

163. Quality assurance

164. Cultural imperialsim

165. Gloablization

166. Discoverability

167. Sustainability

168. Copyright

169. Skills required

170. Donations model

171. Conversion model

172. Contributor-Pay model

173. Sponsorship model

174. Intsitutional model

175. Government model

176. Resource repositories

177. Examples include

178. Khan Academy

179. iTunesU


181. OER Commons

182. OpenStax College

183. Academic Earth

184. Cost

185. Technology

186. Organization

187. Policy

188. 5 OER Permissions

189. Partnerships/Exchanges

190. Open scholar

191. Requires platforms like

192. MOOCS

193. DOCCS

194. Open EdX Stanford Online

195. Coursera

196. Class2Go


198. edX

199. OERu

200. OpenLearn

201. Encompasses

202. External subject communities

203. Whose curation includes models that are

204. Within academia

205. Social curation

206. Social curation

207. Cyber Librarians

208. Public Open Scholar

209. Crowdsourced

210. Curated

211. Disciplinary Expert

212. Discovery

213. Integration

214. Application

215. Teaching

216. Digital Scolarship

217. Pinterest

218. Tumblr


220. Juxtapose

221. Which includes

222. Including

223. With platforms that include

224. Models converge

225. Teachers as curators

226. Digital scholars

227. Through inititiative like

228. Knowledge Creation

229. Cultural dominance