Larry Hopson II Biography

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Larry Hopson II Biography por Mind Map: Larry Hopson II Biography

1. Childhood

1.1. I was born May 27, 1994 In Jacksonville Florida and I was born 3 weeks early so I am considered premature baby

1.1.1. A cool thing was that when I was born I didn't come out crying like most babies do instead my parents said my hands where together as if I was praying I would always give my food to other kids because some would be hungry and not any food and my Mom says she would pack me food and I would come home hungry because the other kids don't eat and she said that since I was little I always cared more about others than myself.I would always give my food to other kids because some would be hungry and not any food and my Mom says she would pack me food and I would come home hungry because the other kids don't eat and she said that since I was little I always cared more about others than myself.

1.2. I played a lot sports coming up! I have tried just almost 7 different sports and my most favorite was football/baseball. I played baseball to much and ended up getting tendinitis in my arm which caused me to quick playing for awhile

1.2.1. I also hold a record and the local park I played for in which I had the most outs in a game with 12 outs playing third, shortstop and center field.

1.3. One cool thing is that I got kissed by Little Mermaid back at Disney when I was 8 years old for some reason I was so shy but happy which is why I will never forget that moment lol

2. Education

2.1. For elementary School I went to Trinity Christian Academy (1-2nd grade) and then Jacksonville Heights Elementary (3-5th grade) )

2.1.1. In Middle School I went to Jefferson Davis Middle School (The same school my mom taught at, you can only imagine how that went lol) High school: I attended Paxon School for Advance Studies (Won the 2008-2009 Freshman character award) and graduated in 2012 College: I went to Florida State Community College (Starting summer 2012) where I earned my AA degree in Communications in 18 months and then I transferred over to University of Central Florida Spring 2014 where I started out as a Biomedical Science major but then switched my major to Science Education- Biology.

3. Personal Interest

3.1. One thing that I love is music. Right now I love playing the piano, singing and writing music as well.

3.1.1. I'm also in the process of learning how to speak spanish with the hopes of becoming bi-lingual before I graduate I love running and going to the gym as well when I have the time One thing I love doing is any work I can possibly do for the Church because my ultimate goal is to be involved in ministry full time.

3.2. Favorite sport teams: Chicago Bulls, Florida Gators/UCF (only because I attend here lol), Pittsburgh Steelers and the New York Yankees

4. Why am I choosing to be an Educator?

4.1. When I was tutoring for anatomy and helping friends this is when I found out that I loved to teach. I love seeing someone not get it at first work hard while helping assist them and seeing that light bulb go off in their heads. It is the most cheerful feeling ever and I think that it's all worth it.

4.1.1. In addition, helping my mom in class I got to experience what it is like to teach kids and the environment and how the kids are so eager to learn. I think that being given the opportunity to make a permanent impact on a child's educations (a good positive impact) is so rewarding

4.2. In addition, I want to teach middle school and maybe high school but 9th grade and then after go to graduate school and receive my masters and Ph.D and become a college professor.

4.3. I also found out that I work extremely well with kids and breaking information down to them. From other teachers and their remarks and working with the youth in my Church I can say (Confidently) that I work good with kids and that I can connect with them and explain things to them on the most simplest level.

5. Work Information

5.1. I have never worked a day in my life until the Summer of 2015 this year.

5.1.1. I have worked at the UCF Bookstore as a Textbook assistant I then got hired to work at the University Testing (Place where FTCE/FELE is taken) Center and Student Academic Resources Center here at UCF and this is where I still currently work today.